Victor, it does look like you are a perfect fit for the SEP (structured educational program,...
There is always one individual who pioneers TMS method for a new set of symptoms and proves them to be TMS. Give it a chance!
What a story! Congratulations! Would you give your permission to repost it on Thank you, Dr. Sarno! website? I will need your first name and...
Thank you, dear @Cactusflower ! I often joke that all the "courageous" things in my life I have done out of fear, which was the fear of the...
I may be saying something controversial here, but please, bear with me, I am thinking out loud and would love to hear what people think. It is...
I have had chronic pain of some variety throughout my entire life, lower back, upper back, legs, feet etc. Any thought of running never occurred...
I would not judge people harshly on their deviations from the official terminology. To rephrase Leo Tolstoi, each sick person is sick in their own...
Thank you for being receptive to our feedback, not everybody accepts it as wholeheartedly as you did. You would be surprised, but I do not...
I don't know what brand of acupressure mat you used, but I did a quick Google search on those and they all look about the same. As someone who...
I write about it in detail in my book, I have over 10 pages on mindfulness and various types of meditation. As I said before, you have to find...
All the posts above are excellent, thoughtful advice and you should try each one to see if and how you could make it work for you. I can only add...
You should not ignore it but rather tell your brain to calm down because it is all TMS and then try to go back to sleep. You need to face it, not...
OMG, Diana, you are winning!!!! Congratulations!
I had my both hands and wrists red and swollen, with limited joint mobility. I fully recovered. What you have is TMS.
Separate names with a comma.