Greetings fellow healers. I will be brief and concrete. I acknowledge my back pain as 100% TMS. It took a while but I accepted my anxiety as TMS....
Hi, I always had a latent fear inside me. When I wake up in the morning I'm always fearful of the unknown, and what might come. As a child I had...
Hi all, this is my 2nd post in this forum. Some background: - male, 35 years old - pretty active in the gym - hurt low back in the past, but...
hi everyone, the last months I used affirmations like: "there is nothing wrong with my foot, I am safe, there is nothing to fear etc. " Then I...
As stupid as it is, the biggest part of my problem is me being afraid of my tension. I try to not think about it. I'm reading books so will...
I'm struggling with a decision, and I'd love insight from you all. Backstory: I came down with CFS (extreme fatigue) symptoms in March, and I...
Further to my meanderings on the vagus nerve, I thought this article may spark some interest in the role the gut plays in fear and tms, and how...
I started reading this book about how fear can make you sick and how to unlearn fear:...
I have TMS, which manifests mostly as upper back, shoulder and neck pain. ANY exercise of my upper body and I have muscle pain for DAYS after and...
Wondering if this makes sense: TMS treatment seems to be about combatting the fear that it's structural. For me, the fear is that the pain is...
I have dozens of fear thoughts every day, I will not get good grades, my daughter will fall ill, I will get laid off, I will never recover 100%,...
I find I experience a lot of fear with my symptoms. The fear of the symptoms possibly never going away or getting worse consume me sometimes. It...
Hi everyone, I have come a long way in my recovery, I remember how bad things used to be and wonder how I got through them. After all the pain...
I am new on the TMS recovery journey and I remember being afraid of thoughts of being left alone with no mum or dad, I would cry! I guess that...
After working the program for a month now, when I came to today's Question to Ponder asking about new symptoms after working through other issues,...
Hi everyone, Read about TMS, sought out TMS therapy . . all good , ,,,,, been anxious and agoraphobic for decades. Since starting therapy...
From reading Sarno's book and from reading things on this forum alot of people who have suffered from TMS have had a 'fear' of exercising. I've...
I finally came to a conclusion with my on and off with medications over the last 1.5 yrs, pain med antidepressant meds,anxiety meds and so...
Hello, Besides every day tension in my neck (especially side muscles), shoulder and jaw area I experience sudden spasm ( I believe it's a spasm)...
My symptoms (buzzing, stabbing, stinging, tingling, twitching in my feet and legs) occur every minute of the day. They sometimes become so severe...
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