Hello, I'm inquiring for insight into my pain. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have every kind of pain. Muscle, joint (no swelling), tendon...
Hi, my name is Carey and I have TMS. This is my day 1 post, but I had problems registering so am already a few days past that in the program. I...
Happy to report life is back to normal and I am 100% healed. The road to success was not an easy, but I want to encourage all my fellow TMSers to...
So I thought I was on the road to a pain free existence :) But this pain flare has lingered since last week after spending several days pain free....
Things are looking good! Even though I'm in the middle of a pain flare. My forearm (diagnosed tendonosis and RSI) was 99% pain free for the last...
After a 6 month battle with “tendinosis” I am now 95% with all activities no pain, and winning the battle. I couldn’t be happier. It took a while...
Dear friends, Its been awhile since I've posted. I wasn't able to completely convince myself I was dealing with a psychological problem, because...
Hi All, I am 34 years old and have been dealing with persistent chronic pain of all sorts for about 15 years now. I used to be very active but...
Hi, I have been struggling with my left foot since August. I am, or was, a very active, fit 70 year old. The initial problem was a very painful...
Hi everyone ,I posted recently regarding my RSD/CRPS in feet but I have also been dealing with severe tendonitis on the sides of the achilles...
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