Vanquish Stress: Five Proven Steps to Finally Conquer Stress, Tension, Worry, Anxiety, and Depression So That You Can Live Happy, Healthy, and...
Hi all. Looking for some insight. I’m fairly new to the forum but not TMS. Let me start by saying I have suffered from health anxiety since I was...
Hi everyone, I am from China and new here. About seven years ago after I graduated from college, I was stressful to find a job. One day after...
The more I understand the mind body connection, the more I realize there's actually nothing to get rid of. I've spent 13 years trying to get rid...
I just got hit with a bout of lower back pain after being TMS free for a long time and what I have been doing is listening to Sarno's books on a...
Having had upper back pain and other upper back sensations for over two years this is my very simplistic take on this. I believe all this Pain in...
I am wondering if anyone wakes up with more muscle tension in the morning than when going to bed? It’s mostly in my calves, upper leg/hip and...
Can traps and upper back tension become chronic. Lasting many months without release? I am using most of the mind body methods to relax my upper...
Hello, When I read the testimonials and the pain recovery program, I note that this concerns the muscular tensions with origin of fear, stress and...
Has anyone felt this way? I have had upper back/scapula pain for months and recently it disappeared for two weeks.I hope that was because of my...
Hi All, I just got off the the phone with someone who is succeeding in dealing with long-term TMS symptoms --digestive in this case, and I want...
I've heard the metaphor that TMS is like a boiling pot thats got too my pressure and boils over. If we are to look at our emotions, but we have...
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