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after 40 years in bed...I AM NOW MIGRAINE FREE!!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by JaneSandyJane, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. JaneSandyJane

    JaneSandyJane Peer Supporter

    I had the very best experience with her -- and still do. She taught me that every migraine situation is different and treatment is based on a variety of factors, including what you've done already (like what successes you've had and also what other health conditions you have). I did the diet strictly and when I was symptom free for 3-4 months she showed me how to liberalize it so I have added back in most of what I missed and she has as well (we share recipes alot). It's really easy to do, but at first didn't seem that way.

    I believe that following the diet helps all of the other techniques work better (she explained it better). I believe the majority of my success with her came from changing my thinking on a number of very painful topics (family, relationships, not having been able to work for decades due to being mostly couch-bound). No matter what I threw at her, she had an "elegant solution" that was easy to master. She was and continues to be a great partner in my journey to health of various kinds. I'm back in grad school! She is in her 40s and I am much older than she is and I worried that this would be a problem for me, going to a younger doctor, but that hasn't been an issue at all. Please tell her Hi!! from Sandy. Good luck to you!! I hope you find healing. Oh and as far as medication, she got me off of my medication that I took by painful infusion. I know my friend was able to reduce a medication that she had been on for years by a huge percentage through their work.

    If you have any concerns or questions, talk to her. I was so nervous at the beginning and thought I was out of options.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    DannyAndDana likes this.
  2. DannyAndDana

    DannyAndDana New Member

    hi - Dr. Laurel always explained how important it was to her do the least to a patient to the most for them (she said this to me a number of times as I was asking what she thought about adding a backup medication), so that’s why her material describes a step-wise approach. Meaning, that if one technique alone doesn’t work, a multi-modal approach, which sometimes involves meds, and that also depends on what you’re taking already. For example I spoke w a man who while working with her switched from Keppra to valproate, since he needed an anti seizure drug for epileptics . Don’t forget that the meds for migraine prevention also treat other conditions, such as mood disorders, high BP, and epilepsy, not sure your particular story or what you’ve tried thus far. So that’s why every treatment plan is patient specific. I was on high, high doses of a medicine before I met her and have reduced the dose significantly, to the point that the side effects disappeared, and I have no symptoms of migraine (which was completely new). Together we did the original Dr Sarno work (prompts, books, and read his letters to patients) and I feel fabulous. I went back to tell my neurologist about our success and he cried. Sending supportive prayers that you beat it. Thanks, Dana.
    JanAtheCPA, JaneSandyJane and TG957 like this.
  3. JaneSandyJane

    JaneSandyJane Peer Supporter

    I had been meaning to post my Diploma for a long time, apologies for my delay!!!
    I feel fantastic, completely migraine headache free for almost two years now, the result of working with my doctor, found here on this wonderful WIKI. Thank you all so very much. I feel truly blessed to have a new shot at a fantastic life. I hope you all find complete wellness ASAP!!

    Attached Files:

    ayacavone and Rinkey like this.
  4. Rinkey

    Rinkey Peer Supporter

    Hi Sandy! She's my doctor too and we're off to a grand start! I sent you a private message a few weeks ago- check your inbox.
  5. vixb

    vixb New Member

    Hello! I just spoke with Dr Steinberg after reading about some positive results and found this thread. I was a bit disappointed about the diet part. I don't have an unhealthy diet and typically go for organic whole food and will sometimes have the naughty treat and I see any type of restriction to be "fear" based. Can someone enlighten me on this part of her program and how this dovetails into the TMS work? The call was also a bit rushed and I had written a detailed email about my symptoms which she had misread in parts as she suggested adding medication to my treatment but I already stated that I do not take painkillers or any medication even though a doctor had prescribed them to me. I wasn't really able to get a gist of what the treatment involved so it was helpful to read Sandy's outline. I appreciate she didn't want to disclose the program details in full but because I have done so much work in the past and know what has not worked for me I didn't want to sign up to another program only to fail and another load of money spent. I know this is a bit negative but I used to be so optimistic whenever I started treatment thinking this is the thing that's going to work only for it to turn out otherwise.

    My question therefore is what was it about Dr Steinberg that was so different compared to other methods, including Dr Sarnos' work, that justified the cost and what was it that you couldn't do on your own since the program isn't face to face either? Is it having someone you are accountable to and who is available 24/7? My migraines have just become a bit too regular in recent weeks but it is always during my sleep that it comes on so I don't know what the trigger is. I stepped away from the TMS work as I was solely focusing on Dr Joe Dispenza's work and he has a huge following and success when it comes to healing. I initially came to TMS due to arm pain and trigger thumb and since the headaches have started to become more regular I no longer have trigger thumb and apart from some stinging/tingling in my elbow joints that I can live with, my arms don't bother me. I'm guessing this is the elusive TMS moving about?
    Sita likes this.
  6. JaneSandyJane

    JaneSandyJane Peer Supporter

    Hi! We do meet face to face on Zoom :) The program is the opposite of fear based -- I feel nothing but confident and fully in control of my health, for the first time, ever. It's a holistic approach to migraine prevention that incorporates all of Dr. Sarno's teachings plus other evidence based modalities (my posts elsewhere where I talked more about the treatment, also her website does too: essentially a simple to follow lifestyle plus custom-tailored psychology concepts (she's a psych prof at Columbia) to help the patients unique life situation plus Dr. Sarno's teachings, whom she was trained by.) This taught me how to turn migraine off forever. I feel fantastic!!! I have my life back and take zero medication. The diet is the Johns Hopkins migraine prevention diet, though I learned why it doesn't work on it's own, which is why it didn't work when I tried it previously -- it's only one small part of the work we've done which came together to free me from constant suffering. Once I became completely symptom free she taught me how to liberalize it tremendously using a simple scientific approach, and there's only about three ingredients I avoid now and I eat out very HAPPILY! She trained at Hopkins and became symptom-free herself while a student there. I hope you feel better soon and find your way to full healing!!! Working with her was the single best decision of my life!!!! Dr. Sarno wrote in many of his books that full healing from many conditions often requires several modalities used together in concert w/ his TMS teachings. Migraine is often one and clearly was for me. God bless.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2025 at 11:15 AM
    ayacavone likes this.

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