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Allodynia and scalp pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by DianeRadvanski, Jul 23, 2016.


AllodynIa and scalp pain

  1. Chronic scalp pain

    0 vote(s)
  2. Allodynia

    3 vote(s)
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  1. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    Thank you for sharing your story and all the personal details of your struggle along a long road. I am extremely saddened to hear of your assault and husbands dx of Parkinsons. But I am so happy that for 5 years you were in remission. That is truly remarkable and encouraging. We have similar symtoms in that chewing, talking and brushing teeth is hard or nearly impossible at times. And I am sure you are all too familiar with how a light touch or breeze can set off a flare up. I give u tons of credit for allowing others here to share in your personal pain and success despite even recent setbacks.

    I will look into both of those programs. I am curious how my appmt will be this Friday. Just made one with a TMS tberapist. He sounds tough like he asked if I drive and I said no and he said well if u had an emergency u could drive so that means you can drive here.

    I actually do want to try meditation and mindfulness. I have been working on imagery.

    What I wanted to share was that nearly 20 years ago I was diagnosession with a condition that at that time nobody knew much of as well...no support groups, hardly any resources and only specialists that I was lucky to eventually find. It is called vulvadynia. How ironic that the same burning, rawness, pinching and throbbing in that area is now on my scalp and face. It was also pretty Sarno or at least I wasn't aware of him. I remember getting thru it with internal and external physical therapy (yes, it was internal and boy was that painful). In some ways I am angry now becauze physical therapy or massage can't be used in this condition.

    I am still struggling with tms is crap and there must be a pinched nerve or blood vessel or neuralgia they missed. Esp becauze family and friends are fed up and don't know what to say other than find another specialist.

    I hope in time I am able to overcome the fear, anxiety and depression and enjoy life again. This happend 3 weeks after I got married and was moving and after I had to give up my post doc job.

    I am glad there is a success story forum becauze much too often u don't find that with chronic pain conditions.

    Anyway sorry so long winded. One last question did u push yourself to do things even when u had bad pain or did you still physically rest alot? Thanks again. I hope and pray you continue to be better each day.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think the right meditation routine is a matter of personal taste and where you are in your process. Mine went from more physical, like yoga balancing poses or qi gong practice to now a sitting meditation, as I learned how to get into the right state of mind without movement. Took few months of practice. A meditation music really helped in the beginning and I went through a good dozen before I found one. First guided meditaton that rang the bell with me was a short one by John Kabat-Zinn on anxiety, free on youtube. Then there was Dr. Weekes audio (somebody on this site posted a link, you can find it through search). Dr. Sarno's voice on his CD on back healing from Amazon had an amazingly calming effect on me, so I could meditate after.

    On the subject of drilling into your head: I know exactly how I scared myself into CRPS and dystonia, took couple weeks and prior personal experiences many years ago.

    Just remember this: CRPS does not have cure, but it can be healed and there is no healer there but you. Knowing it is very liberating and terrifying at the same time, since it puts both power and responsibility on you. After I learned my diagnosis, I went to one of the CRPS forums and I was scared, mortified by what I saw. I wished for a heart attack to come and knock me dead. But I kept searching, and there was one post there by a girl who recovered fully by just reading Sarno's book, over and over, until she healed. At that point, I knew that I will recover, two steps forward, one back, but I will. Took me another few months to stop putting a deadline on my recovery - that helped a lot. You can do it, too. Read and re-read what other people post here when you lose hope, and you will start believing.
    DianeRadvanski likes this.
  3. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    I didn't know about dystonia but my God does that explain the severe twisted throbs and pulsating and pulling like my muscles r hard as a rock on my scalp. My acalp literally feels like a bowling ball.

    Can't there be a self massage for this? Some type of gentle massage to loosen the muscles?

    Also how do we get more oxygen to these areas becauze Sarno talks about oxygen deprivation.

    Sorry I feel like I keep putting you on the spot. If u would rather me post a new thread....also hare to say this but monthly woes that women get make my pain worse...I wish I was a guy sometimes!

    And u r right...CRPS info groups r scary. Sometimes too much info is overwhelming.

    Have a good night

  4. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Diane,

    I read this thread with great interest and I just wanted to assure you that you do have TMS. I haven't posted here in a long long time probably because I'm a perfectionist and I didn't want to post until I was a "success story". I was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS four years ago (first it was in both feet which I'm happy to say is 99% gone) and then 2 and half years ago in both knees (triggered by a trauma from a crazy massage therapist). My knees have been a longer harder journey due to the fact that I have a mental block with the aesthetics of the way they look (swollen and mottled). I also suffer from the horrid allodynia and stabbing pains. I've made progress mostly due to TMS therapy (I went from being practically bedridden to total mobility). Now back to the mental block... I have a feeling the location of your RSD (which is TMS) is what is causing you to have doubts. I remember a patient in the pain man Dr's office who also suffered from this condition in her scalp. Don't get hung up on the weirdness of the location. TMS can strike anywhere. I avoid RSD/CRPS message boards like the plague and I don't waste time with pain man. doctors or any alternative quacky therapies. I think what makes RSD particularly challenging, is not just severity and torturous quality of nerve pain but the fact that it's not common or well known, and you can SEE the swelling and color changes. These factors fuel doubt and are powerfully distracting. The thing I've had most difficulty dealing with is the way my legs look now as compared to before. My legs were sort of "my thing" and I usually dressed to show them off. I'm convinced that if could stop caring about the way they look, the RSD would fade away the way it did in my feet. It seems that my brain had to create an even more powerful distractor than pain which for me is vanity I'm embarrassed to say.

    I feel so lucky to read others posts on this forum (especially the ones re: RSD!!) because it make me feel so much less alone and "apart" from the rest of the world. Even though I'm still a work in progress, I just wanted to give you hope and encourage you to take to heart what TG957 and Plum and other wonderful members have written to you. If you were given the diagnosis of RSD, it is TMS. You're in the right place. We are amongst the lucky few! Feel free to message me anytime!

    plum likes this.
  5. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bingo! I could not say it better. Miffybunny, many, many, congratulations on your success! I feel exactly the same way about RSD/CRPS boards and pain management doctors. You are my inspiration, thank you so much for posting! It is amazing what kinds of symptoms our brain can produce if it puts its mind to it, from allodynia to dystonia in my case, and both feel unusual, weird, scary and depressing.
    plum likes this.
  6. ladyofthelake

    ladyofthelake Peer Supporter

    I've known about TMS, read Sarno for almost a year. Only in the last 3 weeks have I seen results.
    I have to say the craziest part is the path to success is it entirely counterintuitive.
    If anything makes sense or comes naturally...like trying to figure out the exact cause of the physical pain, hating the pain, fearing the pain, wishing everybody really understands and believes you or treating yourself like crap because you can't 'positive think' your pain away....all those things are exactly the opposite of the path to relief.
    I will stop there because I think everybody's aha moment is different.
    TG957 likes this.

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