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Another question re: bone marrow edema

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by miffybunny, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I dont hide in public and i had always excercise never stopped. Before and after the pain
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    The point was Karim, I had stressors I had to deal with.
    Your burning all your bridges here.
    Keep on exercising through the pain, I did for 25 years.
    I decided to heal, I got the help I needed.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2019
    Boston Redsox likes this.
  3. catfish baby

    catfish baby New Member

    I have modic 1 bone marrow oedema in L4 as per MRI. Pain. Is this TMS or structural?. Either or. All nice words here in this forum but no one is dealing with
    Another question re: bone marrow edema
  4. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @catfishbaby,

    Any pain sensations that have persisted beyond 3 months is stemming from the brain. All acute injuries heal. In my case the bone marrow edema I had in every single toe that showed up on the MRI, was brain based. Signals from the brain will literally alter our physiology over time. When ruling out structural causes, we look at infections, broken bones, tumors or disease pathologies. If your symptoms are pain and bone marrow edema, the question is what is the cause? Have you had a recent injury in the past couple of months? If so, that will heal on its own. If doctors have ruled out the structural cause I listed, then we know it's TMS. Bone marrow edema is merely a symptom.
  5. catfish baby

    catfish baby New Member

    Thanks. Doctors cannot even diagnose me - 7 specialists and 7 diagnoses - let alone be able to say if the pain is from structural sources (axial spondylitis, twisted pelvis, piriformus, SI joint disfunction - just to name a few diagnoses) - the list goes on. The quacks have no time to ask correct qustions and are prejudiced by what they learn in the text books. They don't ask the nature of the pain or other important questions and I have to do all the work myself. MRI showed this oedema. According to traditional quack medicine, bone marrow oedema in vertebra (modic change) is generally not reversible, some quacks think it is caused by auto-inflammation, some by bacteria. It has nothing to do with traumatic injury. So what do I do - start running and believe it is TMS? Thanks for your reply - ps great name Miffybunny :)
  6. catfish baby

    catfish baby New Member

  7. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi again,

    Thank you lol! It's clear that conventional medicine is clueless when it comes to brain induced pain (and other symptoms) and all the labels that were thrown at you are simply that...nonsense, useless labels or nominations that only denote symptoms but not an actual cause. Everything us reversible, except for amputation or death. but more importantly, the question is, is this bone marrow edema the cause of your pain? Is the relationship causal or simply an incidental finding ? In other words, a spurious correlation? What if you had this bone marrow edema but no pain? Would you even care? Would you have ever even known? I recently went to the eye dr. for a very red eye and while there, the imaging showed I had "drusdin" and the beginnings of cataracts...neither of which were the cause of the redness . When I asked if I should be concerned, they said no. I wondered why they even told me about it and tbh would have rather not had that info. lol! So I watched that YT video (made by a Norwegian Hospital it seems) and there were red flags popping up everywhere. This is why you need to stay away from online researching. They offer 3 partial "theories" that frankly hold no water. They offer zero answers and then they have the audacity to tell you the best they can offer are tools to help you "cope". It is 2022, and with all the research in neuroscience over the past 30 years, this is what the medical model has to offer? It would be laughable, if it were not so appalling. MRI's and other tech imaging is useless when the interpretation is incorrect and that is what makes these scans so misleading and dangerous. Conventional medicine is sadly still in the Dark Ages and clinical practice is lagging decades behind the research, whether it's in the U.S. or Scandinavia. Ironically the more advanced, the more specialized, and the more technology a society has, the more likely iatrogenesis is a consequence. I could go on and on about this topic, but if you want to reclaim your life and get off this merry go round in hell, the answer is to approach this psychologically, accept the TMS diagnosis, and stop worrying about all of this. Believe you are totally fine because you are. Once you disable the tms strategy, all of these symptoms will fall by the wayside on their own. The body and brain have an innate ability to regulate and heal that surpasses all conscious awareness.
    Cactusflower and Lily Rose like this.
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's unlikely that our members will answer this question, because we aren't qualified to do so, especially online. If you absolutely require a definitive personal answer, you'll need a professional assessment. Presumably you've asked this question of the medical professionals you've already consulted? Perhaps none of them have been willing to answer it - but has anyone said "OMG no, you can't run with that!"?

    This, of course, is just one of the frustrating dichotomies inherent in chronic pain.

    The people who experience recovery use their own judgement when they go back to their exercise of choice. There are a TON of personal experiences posted on our forum, specifically in the Success Stories subforum, which are useful for this purpose, but please know that the chances of receiving a reply on an old thread is typically low because so many members come, go, and move on. @miffybunny is one of our stalwart and experienced responders, so you lucked out!
    miffybunny likes this.

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