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Anxiety makes everything worse

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I went 18 months symptom free and mine came back a few weeks ago. And I know I got rid of it by just carrying on. I used to have the pain but didn't feel the need to look into it more. I just carried on. And that is what I need to do. I keep checking in to my pelvisurprise to see what hurts or what helps. And cannot stop thinking. I had a few good days last week and went back to work today. But I was expecting to have pain and low and behold I woke up and could feel it building up.
  2. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    As perfectionists, we are very good at discounting our accomplishments and magnifying our shortcomings/perceived inadequacies. For me, I might as well have never overcome this because it has become so troubling again. But that's just the pattern of a mind hellbent on scaring the shit out of you. Believe me, I sound confident and calm, but I've been having a rough month or so myself.
  3. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    What is your issue my friend???
  4. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    I actually posted a summary of my issues under the support sub forum just a couple hours ago. It's entitled "I need help..." because I need help...
  5. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Just read it. And let me tell you I am also a sufferer of anxiety. I was diagnosed with health anxiety 2 years ago. Always suffered with nerves and was a very quiet and shy kid. But the brain is a muscle just like anything else and it's the brain that controls us. I can safely say that if you had some sort of nasty illness it would not go and then come back. Disease doesn't work that way. You are a fit and healthy young man. You do not have arthritis. You are way to young. I was the same. My issue is that I have constant pressure in my ass. It burns. It tingles. It feels like my insides are going to fall out. I was convinced that I had bowel cancer or a prolapse. I had hundreds of scans and all was negative. But believe me my friend I know how it feels. It's not nice to be in constant pain. Let me ask you a question. Is there anytime during your day that the pain subsides??? Like when you are asleep or drunk or just really relaxed???
    Steve J. likes this.
  6. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    We let our pain control us. Why the hell should we??? We don't need to stand for this shit haha. The little nagging doubt is sometimes in my head too. But believe me I think we'd be dead by now lol. Iv self diagnosed myself with all sorts over the years
  7. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Ha. I don't know why we do. If we subscribe to TMS then it's because we are reacting to life in a way that doesn't jive with how we would like to be. Something is out of balance and this pain is a barometer for it. I'm basically cribbing Steve O.'s amazing words. His book is incredible.

    With regards to your question...being drunk definitely takes the pain away hah, obviously. There is always some base level of discomfort, but I find that mornings are best, and it spirals from there. Also...what is this "really relaxed" you speak of...? Sounds weird.
  8. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Haha. Yes I am yet to discover the really relaxed thing myself. Well you have kind of answered your main question. A serious illness doesn't wax and wane in severity or get better with the aid of alcohol. Maybe all this reading you keep doing is the worse thing you can do. Surely your just reminding yourself of the problem
  9. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    You're not wrong.
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I personally think the books are all true. What they say is true. But do we kind of already know that. I think deep down we know our problem is caused by our over active brain patterns. And in my opinion surely reading book after book about how the brain causes pain and anxiety is merely just telling our brain to carry on doing this. Yes I know what you are doing Mr brain but I'm going to keep reminding you of this. That's just my view. We are all as bad as each other haha.
  11. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Yeah man. Like you said earlier, it's really just about accepting the symptoms until they fade. Our mind wants to be in tune with the body and vice versa. But when there is dissonance, the whole system misfires. And when there is obsession, all the negativity is heightened to such incredibly painful levels.
  12. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Obsessing over pain is my problem. Why do it. It's there so deal with it. Is it going to help. No. So what's the point. So what if I feel crap. It's not the end of the world . There is always something worse to have. We are both fit and healthy. There are some very ill. We have an illness of sorts but we have the ability to heal ourselves. Folk with cancer are completely helpless. We really should try and look on the positives. My problem is the intimate nature of my discomfort. Its in an area that is really difficult to deal with.
    Steve J. likes this.
  13. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Of course I can't speak to that specific symptom, Alfa, but I can understand how trying it must be to endure that kind of discomfort. And I agree...worry adds absolutely nothing to any situation. No matter what the problem is. Even folks with cancer are not helpless, imo. But that's a different topic. Bottom line....unrelenting anxiety truly does make everything worse.
  14. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    It sure does.
  15. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Anxiety heightens everything. But at least I'm not the only one with pelvic issues. Thanks for the chat. I hope ur ok. I'm sure you will be
  16. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I am interested in talking to someone else with my issue though. Although I don't know why or what I hope to achieve haha
  17. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    There's nothing wrong with powwowing with folks going through similar things. Just don't fall into the obsessive spiral.
  18. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Do you know anyone
  19. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Search "pelvic pain" in the search field...lots of things come up.
  20. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

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