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Any nerve pain recovery stories?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by tgirl, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. tgirl

    tgirl Well known member

    Thank you Adventureseeker. Did anything in particular happen that caused the pain to occur in the first place?

    I find I have been living life and trying not to worry too much about the symptoms. This has helped for sure. After a lot of medical testing and my doctor telling me it was anxiety/stress related I just let it all go for the most part. I'm not 100% yet but hoping that will come soon.
  2. Adventureseeker

    Adventureseeker Peer Supporter

    Yes in my case, I had gone through a prolonged period of anxiety, and was also extremely stressed about other symptoms (shoulder pain which prevented me from practicing my sport). When I did the psychological work I discovered that the origin was anxiety about work and career direction, but then the pain got aggravated because of my fear of never healing and because doctors seemed to have no clue what was happening to me.
    Stay positive! Even a tiny doubt you may not even notice may be preventing you from healing, so the task is to slowly eliminate those doubts by finding patterns (such as increase in pain in stressful events, pain on both sides (which cannot be explained structurally), etc).
    MWsunin12 and tgirl like this.
  3. catteb90

    catteb90 Newcomer

    Hi! I’m new here and have all the same symptoms. I hope you are feeling better!

    Jus a quick questions. Did you have a biopsy for small fibre nerve damage and was that clear? I’m convinced I have this but I’ve got to such feelings of dispair I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t any more!

  4. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

  5. JulieMTherapy

    JulieMTherapy Peer Supporter

    I had nerve pain--specifically groin and ulnar pain. I went to see a nerve surgeon who suggested I see a pain therapist. I found my current therapist who diagnosed me with TMS. I have been pain free for 6 years :) This REALLY WORKS!
    MWsunin12 and Gusto like this.
  6. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    I live in Thailand---doubt there are TMS people here--lol). yes I have ulnar pain and also groin area pain..I am a man and it's easy to get a hernia as we age and the abdominal wall weakness....
  7. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    did you gave nerve damage ?
  8. JulieMTherapy

    JulieMTherapy Peer Supporter

    Yes, according to a surgeon I did. I also had "sports hernia" repair surgery. I had nerve pain in my groin 24/7 even after the surgery.

    Plenty of my patients believe they have nerve damage and we have resolved the pain. If you doubt that the pain is TMS and believe it is structural, it is difficult for the pain to resolve. Your pain is real but it can go away!
    Allissa RS likes this.
  9. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    Julie! This is lovely to read
    After 2 months tMS ing my pelvic and bladder constant burn has decreased mostly by say 50%
    But while I'm letting pain and fear not interfere with life I am plagued by the structural thought even more so then in beginning.
    My pain started one month after childbirth and doing pelvic floor kegels then infection. Infection gone and a down trained pelvic floot as confirmed by a PT...I still find the idea of nerve damage terrorising me .
    Even this can heal though you are saying? Injuries can heal from the pain experience? I don't often ask for resassurance but today reading of your experience I am reaching out
  10. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    Ohhhh yeah! Thanks Steve...dropping in on this thread and screenshot your words for inspo! This is core.
  11. JulieMTherapy

    JulieMTherapy Peer Supporter

    Hi Allissa!
    Yes, it seems like you're believing there is a structural problem that is causing you pain. It's great that the pain has been decreasing! Keep believing :) Remember, TMS loves to distract. I know I've said this multiple times on here but: what might you be distracting yourself from? The most prevalent feelings for me with pelvic pain were: fears of emotional intimacy, helplessness, and caretaking (feeling burdened), and anger.
    I have labral tears in both my hips, I was diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfuction (i went to pelvic floor PT--it was not helpful at all), and I had surgery on my adductors and "pelvic floor repair" surgery. The pain got much worse after this and I believed that it would never go away. My nerve surgeon said I had nerve damage. After a couple of months of working on the unconscious feelings in therapy years ago, I no longer have any pelvic pain. THIS PAIN CAN GO AWAY! You don't have to give the injuries any power. You can be pain free. Also, you can still seek help from others even if you don't have pain! It's ok.
  12. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    Thankyou Yes the asking for help is all locked up around helpless feelings and angry caretaking for me as you say. Your emotional connection to pelvic area I can also relate to.
    Thankyou for sharing part of your journey with overcoming structural thinking! It is incredibly encouraging.
    This week I am starting my journey with a TMS therapist and a psychologist so this is timely and confirming .I feel I've made some progress on my own but some grounded connection to other human support is what would be further healing for me now. Staying focussed on the emotional.
    You mentioned emotional intimacy. I always thought I was quite emotionally open and fluent however im discovering that I feel emotions from myself and others as friend too big to handle calling for me to withdraw on all levels...and I have had history of depression over the years. Also anxiety.
    What was your experience with emotional intimacy and how do you seeing it linking with this sort of emotional deregulation?
    Warmly Allissa
  13. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    *emotions as FAR too big.. not friend!! Haha definately not Friend.. just yet
  14. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    Is this what you did everytime you thought structural my to bring you back to the awareness of the emotional?
    During your healing what did you do to turn away from the sttucstruc on a moment by moment basis ?
  15. JulieMTherapy

    JulieMTherapy Peer Supporter

    Hi Allissa,
    Great questions! I had complex PTSD--which if you are not familiar, means that I was unable to form connections with anyone because they were too frightening. Through my therapy, I have learned to trust others and now can form healthy connections with people. The fear of emotional intimacy was a HUGE cause of my groin pain.
    Is there anything else I can answer?
    It's great that you're going to a TMS therapist :)

    Regarding structural worries, I always try to bring myself back to: what am I feeling? I usually can boil it down to helplessness, feeling burdened with care taking, or anger. Also, what is my body telling me?
    MWsunin12 and Allissa RS like this.
  16. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    Oh wow I can relate to much of what your saying.
    I feel this sense of helplessness and anger in the experience of caretaking for a new baby and being in new marriage. It's like all my usual places I'd go for safety outside of myself have also been changed and cut off and it leaves me alone with these huge feelings. What would you find helpful to redirect or soothe those specific feelings for you?

    Thankyou Julie it's wonderful to feel understood. In this last week i actually have been feeling into what trust actually is and and how I experience or don't experience it ... There is forgiveness for myself when I realise I'm not nuts, it's just that I really didn't recieve a good feeling of it growing up. I'm learning what it is as an adult and looking to cultivate it finally.

  17. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    I don't live in the USA anymore--anyone know of any TMS specialists in Thailand ? Dave
  18. Allissa RS

    Allissa RS New Member

    New warrior
    I have been in contact with a TMS therapist in the US. You can do Skype sessions. Pain Psychology Centre in LA
    Good luck
  19. newarrior

    newarrior Peer Supporter

    Thanks !
  20. Mollie

    Mollie Newcomer

    Hey I'm just wondering how you got on with this? I have nerve pain all over and neuroligist did a basic neuroligical exam and basically said it's stress and anxiety...... I'm finding it hard to believe at the moment

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