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Any young TMSers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Snickers278, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. TheKingAdRock

    TheKingAdRock New Member

    mine didn't became a major problem when i was 22, to the point it consumed my entire life. but after learning about tms i can look back and see i had TMS symptoms all throughout my teen years, maybe even earlier.

    like i had low back pain and discomfort from the time i was 15 or so and would periodically 'strain' my lower back and be laid up in bed for a few days, but it didn't interfere greatly with my everyday life.

    i also always had seasonal allergies and took otc medication for it my whole life basically. after learning about tms i decided to do an experiment and stop taking the medication and have been off for at least 9months by now and suffer little or no allergy symptoms i had before. itchy/watery eyes was my main symptom.

    and now that i think about it i use to have headaches all the time in my teen years, like almost daily. no migraines or anything severe.
  2. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Mine began at 7 with rheumatic fever and it didn't stop until I found the good doctor at 40. Cradle to grave means anyone can get it.

    kb617 that is "disembarkment syndrome" which is TMS. You heal by reducing fear, which is the same for all TMS.

    MWsunin12 likes this.
  3. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle


    Steve Ozanich is right. It's Maldebarkment Syndrome that is causing you to feel you're on a boat. I went through many of the same tests you did when I first had it following a stressful plane ride, as well. I won't tell you my whole history and having it reoccur 4 times, but I now believe 100% that it is TMS. Please don't research it online. There are people who are VERY attached to having it for years who are miserable and hopeless…and reading their stories and the anxiety it provoked in me actually prolonged when I had it for months. However, here's the thing almost every story has in common, it starts during a stressful trip or time. Young sailors used to get it after months on ships during the wars, etc. All stress.

    If I can help you at all, it will be to tell you this: The best you can do for yourself is to keep up your routine and let the stress of wondering what is wrong with you, go. Nothing is wrong with you. As soon as I knew my anxiety was keeping it going, I took steps to help it disappear, like meditation and taking a stress relief herbal product. I wish I had known that it was TMS.

    The reason doctors don't know about it is because there really isn't a physical reason for it except TMS. Your brain is slightly deprived of oxygen in the area of balance, but it's the anxiety that keeps it going. Like getting off a carnival ride. If you're having fun, you might be dizzy for a minute or two, but…because you aren't stressed…your brain lets it go.

    I hope this makes sense. You're a young woman on a great path. Don't be afraid. I've been there. Stop thinking about it and please don't read online about it.

    all my best,

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