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ANYBODY else successfully diagnose groin pain as TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by interstellar, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. interstellar

    interstellar Peer Supporter

    That's great mdh157! I'm glad you were able to get rid of your symptoms. I do wonder if you applied tms methods to get rid of this pain or if you just stretched your hip flexors? Also how long did that take you? Either way congrats on getting rid of this pain, as it is quite a bothersome occurrence.
  2. mdh157

    mdh157 Well known member

    i only stretched......but keep in mind I was not aware of TMS at the time so I was only focused on a physical cause. It is quite annoying but once I realized it was nothing serious it was a huuuuge help.
  3. cirrusnarea

    cirrusnarea Well known member

    Looks like a lot of people have chimed in on this, but I suffered from TMS-induced groin pain. Check out my success story.

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