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Anyone else enjoying Holiday TMS'ing?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by North Star, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Awwww, thanks so much for taking the time to post all this Herbie. I will cut and paste this into a word doc so I can have it handy. :)
  2. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    Great thread. I wish I read it DURING the holidays! I had flare-ups starting on the drive to a lovely Christmas eve with my sister's family. The whole day and evening was wonderful, fun and loving. The TMS was relentless in its hold. I just kept saying that there are unconscious things going on and thinking psychological and not physical. I lost most of my family, one after another in the last 6 years so I knew that holidays were just making me miss everyone. The next day I had planned to have some people over for dinner and go to a movie. When I woke up on Christmas day, the pain was still there and worse. I thought about cancelling and then realized I would be giving power to the TMS so I kept the date and tried to enjoy myself. The minute... and I mean THE MINUTE, the door shut behind the departing guests, the pain decreased about 65%!! It was an amazing example of TMS at work.
    Msunn and North Star like this.
  3. Msunn

    Msunn Well known member

    Thanks for posting in detail about focusing Herbie, You've mentioned it a lot and I will definitely use the suggestions. I've heard the quote "what we resist persists" and this sounds like a great way to lean into the pain.
    North Star likes this.
  4. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Nowtimecoach, WOW. That is powerful stuff. Things seem to have settled down a bit for me. I think what's annoying to me is the ole cow path in my thinking that ends up obsessing over every stupid little twinge. I probably sound like a delusional person as I walk around speaking to my TMS and brain to "knock it off!"

    nowtimecoach likes this.
  5. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    Nowtimecoach, I find sometimes when I am around friends or family the pain increases but I have
    realized it is because I am nervous I would not be able to sit through dinner... I guess it that people
    pleaser. I do think it is very good not to give into the TMS.

    I know the other night I was just relaxing in bed and knew I was having some pain but I also knew
    my two children where downstairs going to watch a movie. I had to decide was I going to let this
    TMS control me or was I going to enjoy a movie with my children. I got really mad at the symptom
    and thought this is not going to stop me and the symptom left. I enjoyed the movie and learned
    a valuable lesson not to let the symptoms stop me.

    Nowtimecoach, I do think losing family members is very difficult. I am sorry for your lose. I hope
    you have other amazing friends and family around you to fill in the gaps.
    North Star and nowtimecoach like this.
  6. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    What a great post!!! I found it very helpful!!!!
  7. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    North star... I totally relate to how crazy I must look when I'm yelling at my TMS symptoms to knock it off... I bounce between that and Schubiner's advice to self-sooth... Telling my id - that its okay. I hear its screaming and yelling.... And that everything will be okay. Having his meditation voice in my head really helps.

    G.R. I find sometimes when I am around friends or family the pain increases but I have realized it is because I am nervous I would not be able to sit through dinner... I guess it that people pleaser.
    I have been so stumped by this trigger - socially being worried about pain getting in the way of a good time. Fear of pain is something I haven't mastered yet. I really look forward to those days FOR ALL OF US!!
    North Star likes this.
  8. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Oh yes….it's a bit of dance, learning which approach to take on some days, isn't it? The thing that is all in common though is the need to slow down and be mindful.

    And like you, Nowtimecoach, I look forward to us all having our success stories of being chronically being PAIN FREE.

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