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Balance issues/boat sensations/dizzyness/vertigo

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bananas00, Jul 19, 2022.

  1. Xara

    Xara Well known member

    Jan you were the first member you answered when I wrote my first message here and I am still grateful for this. We all know how important is to have someone reminding you that you can win your battle, that you are not alone. It seems very strange to me to have been encouraged from a person miles away, when people around you seem to be distant, but it is beautiful too. Thank you. I really hope you are going well and feel fulfilled.
    JanAtheCPA and Cap'n Spanky like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love hearing that, @Xara, thank you! I'm still standing, still ticking along - and in spite of hyper-sensitivity and anxiety and struggles surrounding world dysfunction, nonetheless at age 71 I'm still WAY better off than I was "Before Sarno" at age 60 dancea It was our founding father, @Forest, who responded to my first post about the SEP, and I recall having the same reaction - how marvelous to receive personal contact and encouragement from a complete stranger somewhere out there in the world! It made a huge difference to my experience and recovery. And here I still am :D (now retired and able to devote the time to do this).
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  3. SawyerRhiannon

    SawyerRhiannon Newcomer

    Any updates? Did your MDDS/dizziness ever improve or resolve?
  4. Xara

    Xara Well known member

    I don't visit the site frequently anymore, because in my opinion, someone needs, after gaining an adequate amount of knowledge to act as if has no problem at all and live its life as if is already "cured" ( yes, I know how difficult this is). But I had a notice in my mail, a chance for feedback.
    Anyway....As far as I am concerned, beginning in 2020 with vertigo, dizziness, every symptom that is referred here among with neck pain, fatigue, stress,pain, I got some diagnosis, like nevronitis ( I don't know the exact name in English, something with the ear ), some other syndromes etc.
    I applied the sarno method, it was a crucial beginning. Afterwards, started Pilates and sometime later I began to speak with a psychotherapist.
    Four years... I am too slow. But I can say that the last year I don't have clouds under my feet, nor dizziness every single day, every single time.
    Some other health problems come and go, but gradually everyday life becomes more fulfilling.
    If you need some other info, maybe I can help.
    Booble, JanAtheCPA and TG957 like this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Xara, it's good of you to return after 2 years to answer this person's question! I'm really happy to hear how well you're doing, and you know, it takes what it takes!

    @SawyerRhiannon, this is the fourth time you've asked someone how they're doing. We see what you are doing, as Diana tried to tell you in another thread. This is common behavior among new people who are desperately searching for answers and reassurance. Here is our advice: it's time for you to go to the Support Subforum and create your own thread with your story and your personal request for advice. You will actually receive personal help if you do that. Read other threads and responses in the subforum to see how it's done.
    Xara, Booble and TG957 like this.
  6. Xara

    Xara Well known member

    I used to do it also... You need to know that other people had a success...
    I visit the site from time to time ( when I face a dire strait and don't know how to handle it) to read experiences, and for most times I find something useful.
    @JanAtheCPA I am glad to hear you are here. I hope you are well.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Still standing! :p
    Xara likes this.

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