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Beat Back problem, but skin rash is worse

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Will McLean, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Balsa11

    Balsa11 Well known member

    Skincare= moisture, hygiene, and mindset
  2. Amina.84

    Amina.84 Peer Supporter

    Hi. How are you now with the seb dermatitis? Do the TMS work helped you heal this condition? Thanks you
  3. Amina.84

    Amina.84 Peer Supporter

    Hi. How are you now with the seb dermatitis? Do the TMS work helped you heal this condition? Hope to have an answer. Thanks you
  4. Amina.84

    Amina.84 Peer Supporter

    Hi. How are you now with the seb dermatitis? Do the TMS work helped you heal this condition? Thanks you
  5. joandmc123

    joandmc123 Newcomer

    Black skin and itching are the most intolerable symptoms. It causes irritation and pain over the skin.

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