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Beginning to think that neuropathy is the new back pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jimnat7, May 31, 2018.

  1. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Marinedad, I understand the conundrum. Can I ask you what they would give you at the pain clinic? In my experience, it was drugs like opiates or Lyrica. I have also had ketamine infusions. In all the array of drugs I have tried during my journey, I can honestly say none of them worked except for one ketamine infusion. My RSD went full body and I needed the ketamine to calm down my nervous system that had gone off the rails. I would say that if you are in terrible shape and there's something that can take the edge off in order for you to think more clearly and improve your mood and feel more functional, then it's ok. As long as you're not going into it thinking it's a cure or fix. I can also tell you that antidepressants have helped a great deal with my mood, which in turn affects pain. How you feel emotionally is everything. It's the indicator of progress. When you're anxious or depressed, it's nearly impossible to get out of the pain cycle. I would imagine you must be extremely stressed thinking about how you are going to function at work.

    I think if a pain management dr. can give you something temporarily to get over the hump, it could be ok. However, realize that you will never find a solution at the pain clinic. I have sat in many a waiting room and seen people in horrible pain just waiting to get their prescription of pain pills etc.. Unfortunately places like that never get to the root of the problem. For some people, drugs or ketamine work because of the placebo effect. For others the relief is temporary, and they start to believe they need higher and higher doses. Another sad fact is that many of these drugs only perpetuate the pain cycle and these types of clinics just feed the fear and depression surrounding your "diagnosis" or mysterious pain they have no name for. I'd also bet there's a tremendous amount of money to be made in the field of pain management. It's quite the racket.

    As you can see, I'm a bit cynical and I've been down many, many rabbit holes. Trust your gut and make your decisions based on what you feel is realistic for you at this time. Wishing you all the best!!
  2. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Thx you miffy so helpful...regarding a antidepressant did it help you regarding your pain and how long where you on them or are you still...I hate the fact I’m going but I also need to give myself a break if I can ..I know it not the solution .
    Let me tell you in short in the 8 years I been suffering, these things have happened .
    Caught my wife cheating on me twice.
    My father got diagnosis with terminal cancer and passed.
    My son started to get siezures for 3 years...went away when he was 13 he’s 20 know.
    A business I had for 25 years went under.
    Divorce loss of assets
    My son and daughter both leaving to be on there own ( major league loneliness for me)
    Put my dog of 15 years down
  3. Jimnat7

    Jimnat7 Peer Supporter

    Hang in there marine dad. It will get better. You have certainly had a lot of stress. You can beat this.
  4. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Thx u Jimnat
  5. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Marinedad, I'm so sorry to read about all you have been through. That's a tremendous amount of worry, trauma and LOSS to experience in such a short time. You definitely need to give yourself a break and you need to realize that you're an incredibly strong person. Some people would have gone crazy, or become non functional. In your case it's TMS. There's nothing "wrong" with you. It's just your brain's way of trying to protect you.

    Right now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting some support and a boost from modern medicine. As long as you are aware of your emotions and as long as you understand this is an emotional journey, not a physical one, you can transcend your present state. Everything is temporary. Everything, including our thoughts. I personally think that an antidepressant would be the most effective tool to help you and your brain to get over this hump. In my experience, it's helps to clear the fog and takes the edge off. It allows me to reason better and feel more hopeful...just more "normal". The reason I don't like opiates or other kind of pain killers (except in emergencies and for specific things) is because they just make you sort of "high" or sedated.

    I was on Norytryptiline for a couple of years but for the past few months I've been taking Prozac (40mg). Everyone is different of course so you would need to consult with a psych. I have a better outlook on life and much less anxious on prozac. I was waking up with panic attacks sometimes and now that has stopped. My husband noticed I'm nicer lol. I would say that pain meds just "mask" symptoms, whereas anti depressants help you to think better. All chronic pain stems from the brain, so my focus is always there...on my thoughts and emotions. I think the hardest emotions to deal with are rage and guilt. Beneath sadness, regret, fear etc... I believe lies rage and guilt. If you could really allow yourself to have and feel those painful feelings, they wouldn't get shunted through the body as pain.

    In a nutshell, give yourself a break. Go tomorrow an see what the doctor says. Ask if he refers patients to psychiatrists. Worse comes to worse, he will give you a script for pills. You don't have to decide right away if you want to fill the prescription. Maybe you will, maybe you won't but at least it's an option.

    I hope my perspective helps you in some way. Let me know how it goes!

  6. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Thx Miffy I really need some pain relief ...I was on elevil but maybe not long enough ...took gabapentin for a year but was having issues ...I never give a med a chance .. never tried a opiate , I smoked some grass got a card but no help .
    Wine helps lol...I started to read Steve O again . I am going to try to put so much pressure on myself.

    But yes I been threw hell for a long time ...know being alone with out my kids really as got me done .
  7. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Marinedad, I'm really concerned about you because you sound so sad about your kids moving out. That's totally understandable. Could you take satisfaction in the fact that you raised them right so they could become adults? Do they live close enough that you could get together with them sometimes? There is tons of support and lots of wonderful people on the TMS wiki but I think it would help if you spent some time with friends as well. Friendships are so important. You are in a period of transition and life change. That alone is incredibly stressful. I really encourage you to reach out to people and consult with a professional. Some medications can really help if you find what works for you.

    The Steve O. book is great. He went through hell himself but came out the other side. I know you will too. Don't give up Marinedad! Things will get better keep reaching out!
  8. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Yes the loneiness is terrible . My daughter I can see but my son is in the Marines and his in N.C .
    I started working the 2nd shift so I would not be alone at night. I couldn't handle sitting at home just ruminating
  9. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    even sarno said he would give pain meds in order for ppl to begin the work on a temp basis. ask your gp for something lite that could take the edge off for a little while.
    miffybunny likes this.
  10. Gusto

    Gusto Peer Supporter

    I'd say go to the appointment, see what they have to say, take the prescription if they offer one, and take it home and make your informed decision based on thier advise and the others here that have/are going through what you are... But try to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. I know deep down you can see that the stress/pressure is the root of the problem here. And also know that you are not alone, many others are walking or have walked a simillar path, and have come out the other end stronger for it. You got this.
  11. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Thx you guys I really needed to touch base with you guys and hear your opinions ...i need not to beat myself over this which I am this morning ...one breath one step at a time.
    I will let you guys know
    Lizzy likes this.
  12. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Thank you for your service..
  13. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Thx you ...
  14. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Pain Dr wants me on 25mg of amatriplyme
  15. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Marinedad, it sounds like your appointment went well. I'm sending you a pm.:)
    Marinedad likes this.
  16. Gusto

    Gusto Peer Supporter

    Appointment go well , you get a good feel from it? What was the docs logic for the precription, Try to break the pain cycle? Did they concur that it is neural pathways pain from stress?
  17. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    As well as I thought anyway ...he started talking about a bad disc and wanted to give me a short but I said wouldn't you want to take a MRI? He said he really didn't need one . Then I said let's forget that idea for know and the more he listen he decided a anti depressant
  18. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Those are bull shit tests to many false positives ... they said bad nerve damaged in left arm I told them it was the only thing that didn’t hurt
    Dorado and Gusto like this.
  19. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    No I just looked at it looks promising

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