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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Boston Redsox, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. KevinB

    KevinB Well known member

    Hi Patttiduck,

    It's great that you're doing this for your son - I really hope he's open to this approach, it has helped and healed COUNTLESS numbers.... with regard to the specific groin/testicle pain, I've come across members here and in TMS literature that have had that issue. It boils down to this: if the pain is not due to a disease, such as cancer, or an accident where there has been REAL tissue damage, and it doesn't get better on it's own in a reasonable time, then it is very likely TMS, irrespective of WHERE the pain is. Dr. Sarno and those who have come after him started viewing MOST physical issues as TMS manifestations - even things such as high blood pressure... the point is, and this is mentioned time and time again throughout all TMS literature/research, if the pain is due to a structural issue, it will heal on its own, and usually within a short time. Dr. Sarno and others have used the fact that one can break the femur (thigh bone), which is the thickest bone in the body, and it will heal in 6 weeks. TMS pain generally lingers for months and months, sometimes off and on, and often even worsens over time...

    The most challenging obstacle is to accept 100% that pain is due to TMS. Concerning your 2nd question, I've seen many people on this site write, as well as testimonials from Dr Sarno's books, that seeing a TMS doctor really helps in the acceptance of the diagnosis. In your question you said phone conversation - I think for a TMS MD, you have to physically go in to be diagnosed with TMS, but then I think there are options to have phone sessions with a TMS therapist. Many TMSers do not require psychotherapy. A strong diagnosis from a TMS MD may be all your son needs- it's probably a good place to start. If you don't have access to a TMS medical doctor, or it's not financially feasible, and if your son seems to believe he does in fact have TMS (i.e. self diagnosis, which MANY of us do - after "real" disease has been ruled out - I belong to the self diagnosed club), then he could go with a TMS therapist. BUT, before that, I highly recommend that he do the Structured Educational Program from this site - it's a 6 week program and it's entirely FREE. It has cured many many people, myself included.

    Hope this info helps. I'm happy to help in any way possible but again, I'm no expert on this stuff - I'm only sharing what I've read/investigated and my own experience. I only learned of TMS 9 months ago, but it has been the only approach that works for me (after trying all the conventional medical approaches such as physical therapy, chiropractor, acupuncture, energy healing, medications, drugs.... )



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