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Burning/freezing Nerve pain - any succes stories??

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Megatron, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. krk_mindbody

    krk_mindbody New Member

    @Megatron, Just to give a little bump to this post. How are you doing now? Any progress with your healing? I am in the same situation as you were. My symptoms started back in May 2022. I have almost same symptoms as you had (using past tense, hoping/wishing you got better by now) except two additional. I got diagnosed with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia as I am having constant burning pain in my left check. I also have this dizziness like rocking swaying feeling when walking. The other symptoms are same you had like burning sensation all over the body but mainly in feet. Got many many tests, nothing found. I would like to believe all these are mindbody but not able to come to a radical acceptance.

    I have another appointment with my neurologist next week.

    I would really appreciate if you could update your situation.

    @Dorado, what kind of mind-body work did you do? I am trying but everytime I get these sensations, I am freaked out. Then, it is going back to square. Been two year, suffering with these symptoms.

    Thank you
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Seeking reassurance from others and constantly going back to doctors is not going to change this. Both of those behaviors come directly from your primitive TMS brain. I'm sorry, but you will not see any change or improvement until you start using your rational conscious and mindful brain to take control. It's that simple. Not easy to do of course, but in theory it really is that simple.

    You've been here coming up on two years and you're still engaging in these obsessive behaviors. The question is, what are you actively doing about your mindfulness and emotional health? I think that you (under the control of your TMS brain) have been avoiding doing the real work. Go back and read everything in this thread that you started in December and be honest about how much you have actually done amongst the recommendations that were given to you then. For example, did you read the thread about physio psychological dizziness?
    That has everything you need to know about how the type of PPD you describe is absolutely 100% TMS, and yet you are bringing it up again in this last post.

    Did you make a commitment to a program and complete it? Do you journal consistently and with honesty and vulnerability?

    It's time for some tough love. Stop thinking physically, and start thinking psychologically. You know this is the truth. I know you know that. Just do it.
  3. SawyerRhiannon

    SawyerRhiannon Newcomer

    How are you now? Any updates on if it was TMS or a true injury to the trigeminal nerve? Im having the exact same symptoms - burning cheeks and constant rocking and swaying.
  4. SawyerRhiannon

    SawyerRhiannon Newcomer

    So you had burning in the face and it went away? Was the burning constant?
  5. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Everyone comes on here asking if someone else has their symptoms. It doesn’t matter. If you have TMS, you can literally have any symptom. The subconscious brain can create anything. But the cure is all the same for every symptom and the people who do the work get better. This wiki tells you everything you need to know! Good luck!
    BloodMoon and fridaynotes like this.

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