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Can’t anymore am about to kill my self

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Karim, Nov 13, 2020.

  1. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I was 2 weeks sympt0m free I don’t know if it was the supplemts I was taking the aloe Vera or my mental state, it came back yesterday
  2. Idearealist

    Idearealist Peer Supporter

    This sound really encouraging. Seems like strong evidence that the situation can be improved
  3. samuelp180

    samuelp180 Peer Supporter

    Yes, due to acid reflux and chronic cold symptoms.
  4. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    How did u heal
  5. Beawake

    Beawake New Member

    Karim Samuelp healed by using tms. He pushed through symptoms did the tms work and the symptoms went.
    You had two weeks symptoms free. There is your proof. Now like many of us you need to believe in tms as much as you can. Pretend it’s your secret and what anyone else believes doesn’t matter. You did it before on crps!!! That’s the suicidle pain so well done. You can do this too.
    mallow your fear of it to be there and feel it as that will show your brain fear isn’t affecting you. Don’t look for results on pain look for results in loosing fear!! The pain will go when you get a grip on that. Cx
    Karim likes this.
  6. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    Have you ever felt bloated or tense, or nauseous. Like some pressure or discomfort on the smotach mouth
  7. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I don’t know if the supplements I drank helped me
  8. Beawake

    Beawake New Member

    They may have been a placebo. Which in the end is what we are creating anyway. Use the words I did t have pain when I was doing..... so I don’t need it now
    Idearealist and Tennis Tom like this.
  9. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    My symptoms come and go sometimes they linger sometimes they are worst sometimes they are better, sometimes I have LPR sometimes gerd, gastritis
  10. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    Now am dealing with gerd instead of lpr constant burning middle of my chest and belly
  11. Idearealist

    Idearealist Peer Supporter

    GERD and LPR are both just forms of reflux.
  12. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    So what I need is a endoscopy to rule out any structural problem, I had blood test ct scans and all of the came out clear
  13. Idearealist

    Idearealist Peer Supporter

    So schedule one.
  14. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I will on Thursday depends on what my gastro says, am kinda scared on being out to sleep
    Idearealist likes this.
  15. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I t0ld that to my psyquiatrist and he got mád, he told me that I don’t need that shit that my stomach issues are emoti0nal
  16. Karim

    Karim Peer Supporter

    I have no lpr, I have gerd now , bloating, pressure burning belly like esophagus, like in the middle of my belly right down to my belly button, like a discomfort gassy burning
  17. rjh18

    rjh18 New Member

    @Karim DId you resolve the bad smell?

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