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Can chronic plantar fasciitis be TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Forest, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ankle pain checkin for me, to share a practice. I have occasional ankle pain and began to worry and monitor. This is not my experience, by the way, with more persistent pain, but:

    When I notice the pain, I ask myself in the moment "How many times today did I notice it?" "Is this my first" I find it might be only once all day. Or maybe 5 times but almost never that many times. It is helping me realize that it is such a small element in my experience. And I'm playfully wondering "when I don't notice the pain, where is it??" This helping me not monitor the sensation, not try to fix it, not try to figure out if it is TMS or not, not trying to count the weeks to determine if "it should have healed by now." The whole experience feels much lighter since I've been doing it for the last week. I am not worrying, but also by not focusing on it, it is less likely to turn into TMS symptoms.

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