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Can dental/tooth ache be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tabathafromnj, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Time2be

    Time2be Well known member

    Hi Tabitha, and everyone who contributed!
    Many years ago I had tooth pain and subsequently two teeth had been extracted. Some dentists are quacks and when I found a good dentist he told me that a new bridge that fits my bite and root treatment would do the trick. And it did. So, root treatment is not always bad. It worked for me. I think that part of the tooth pain had been TMS, but that also bad work of the dentists helped to that.
    Now I have pain in the front tooth where I got a new crown last Wednesday. The old crown had a bit of a crack and had to be replaced. The plastic provionary crown was not problematic at all. And the root looked fine at the x-ray. But with the new crown the tooth aches always a bit and feels sensitive.
    At the same time I am recovering from thyroid surgery that I had this Monday, so I am basically lying on my sofa sleeping or listening to audiobooks or lectures on You tube. And I have to take painkillers, though not the very high dose they prescribed at the hospital (I have a good friend who is a doctor and psychotherapist and also an experienced pain specialist, he told me that if I feel good with it then half of the dose would be also fine). So, I do my best to stay calm under these circumstances. My usual TMS pain is nicely quiet!
    So, tooth pain can be TMS but it also can be something wrong with the tooth. And it is unfortunately not always easy to find out. Especially when more than one tooth aches it is difficult to find out which one is the culprit. After all I think the most important thing is to keep calm and not get anxious.
    Mari likes this.
  2. Thelauriebelle1

    Thelauriebelle1 Peer Supporter

    I know this post is old but I'm going through this same thing and am in need of support. Thanks so much.

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