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Can Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by LauraD, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. chickenbone

    chickenbone Well known member

    Hi Laura, When you can say what you said 'I DON'T CARE WHEN THAT HAPPENS" is when you are well on your way to recovery. That is what I noticed also. Recovery is more about the "knowing what is really going on" rather than getting rid of the pain. I am so happy that you are seeing this and being less fearful. I have no doubt you will recover soon!
  2. Marcoinpain

    Marcoinpain New Member

    Laura you and I are in the same boat lol…are you taking meds
  3. winterhaven123

    winterhaven123 Peer Supporter

    Hi Laura You say You know Peipheral Neuropathy is Tms i was wondering all the neuropathy i read about is mostly the numbing feeling . I was told I could have PN Or intercostal neuralgia???? also been told somatic. I cant get no direct answers because nothing shows I never had nerve conduction My pain is constant burning around my ribcage /midback only stops when i lye down. Do you think all Neuropathy's are TMS ? it's been constant over 4 years for Me severe thanks Judy
  4. filipe

    filipe Peer Supporter

    Boston Redsox likes this.
  5. jimmylaw9

    jimmylaw9 Peer Supporter

    How long did you have the foot pain and anything in partic that made it go?
  6. tmstruth

    tmstruth New Member

    NEUROPATHIC PAIN IS 100% TMS indeed... In fact, all diseases are just TMS equivalents, including cancer. What is putting everybody sick are these stupid names...
  7. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Like literally your story to the T.

    mare you better now after all these years?
  8. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Hi there I have neuropathic pain all over legs and body is well. Are you fully recovered now?
  9. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

  10. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Just inboxed you :))
  11. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Drew,

    Just want to say that I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, among other things in order to diagnose the source of foot pain. I am fine now. Good luck in your work/progress as TMS treatment.

    Drew and Dorado like this.
  12. Drew

    Drew Peer Supporter

    Do you think it was TMS?
    I don’t think I have neuropathy but my nerve pop off everywhere.. not in the foot or hands though just lower legs LOS and then when I panic all over.. what did u do
  13. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Drew,

    Recommendations: Get cleared by a physician that there is nothing systemic or threatening to your health. So that you can proceed with a mind-body approach.

    Then dig deep and use the Structured Education Program free at the TMS Wiki or others such as Dr. Schubiner's Unlearn Your Pain or the Curable ap.

    Listen to podcasts, read success stories, and learn to not fear weird sensations ----if you choose the TMS path.

    Many people experience strange sensations, like nerve pain, tingling, buzzing, etc. and eventually learn it is nothing dangerous ala TMS equivalent. Then you're on your way.

    Dorado's posts explore some of this I believe.
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/how-i-healed-from-a-myriad-of-symptoms.18723/ (How I healed from a myriad of symptoms)

    If you know you don't have a serious disease, then work on fear, as I said. I grabbed Dr. Sarno's books. Listened to him on tapes. Journaled about my inner tensions. Meditated, self-hypnosis, slowly increased exercise, got cleared by a physician, worked with my inner critic. But each path is different. You apply your intelligence, sincerity, and confidence.

    I hope this helps get you started.

    Drew and Dorado like this.
  14. john1982

    john1982 Newcomer

    I just read this thread. I had an EMG on my foot and it showed plantar neuropathy. I had tarsal tunnel surgery about 7 years ago and some symptoms returned one year ago. I had symptoms of pain for many years in the same foot after injuring it 40 years ago. And injuring it again 8 years ago. I've had a lifetime of TMS with many other parts of my body (I believe). I'd like to defeat this as if it's TMS. But it's hard for me to imagine it is TMS. Or believe it's TMS. I would welcome any advice. Thank you

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