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Can't believe I'm a SUCCESS story - Feet pain 15 years 90% gone!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by WantToBelieve, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    Hi there...I had Ed and I would recommend him. If you can ever get in touch with Alan, he is INCREDIBLE!!!
  2. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    As a continued update...since I posted this I remain nearly pain-free. I'm 100% pain-free probably 90% of the time. I still can't believe this is possible. I struggle for over 15 years of my life and I'm only 40! Nearly half my life was spent in pain and now, I'm pain-free most of the time. I never ever in my wildest dreams thought I'd get to this place. I just didn't think it was something I'd even strive for. If anyone is in Chicago, Dr John Stracks is who worked I primarily worked with and he is outstanding. Look him up. Even if you aren't local, he has frequent success story panels and question/answer type sessions that you can phone in to.
    Click#7, miffybunny and Lizzy like this.
  3. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    Do you still feel anything in your feet like walking on bone without the pain ? Just curious....
  4. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    I do not feel that sensation when I’m pain-free. The times when the pain does creep in, yes, that is how it feels. I can’t even comprehend how this sensation and the pain has stopped. It’s just remarkable what the brain can do!
  5. Imgonnawin

    Imgonnawin Newcomer

    So great to see your success story!! May I ask if you beat the erythromelalgia too?
  6. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    I did beat the Erythromelalgia too!!! Been free of it without one episode for 6 years now!!
    tag24 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  7. Innybeany

    Innybeany New Member

    Wonderful story in such detail.... thank you so much for sharing all that and you had it for so long!! So brave...
    I had my foot pain from stubbing my small toe and having a small fracture. 2 months later my whole foot started playing up....convinced it's TMS as the pain changes around the foot and apart from the fracture have not physically hurt my foot. Your letter was so helpful and I really hope you are cured of it now.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  8. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    I’m so sorry to hear you are in pain. Happy my story could help in any way! Im happy to answer any questions you may have. Stick with it. It can be a wow journey but it’s worth it. I’d say I’m 100% 90% of the time. I still face challenges on a long day of standing but it’s an outlier and I try hard not to let it get me down.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  9. tag24

    tag24 Peer Supporter

    Hey Jodie - just saw your interview with Dr Stracks recently and remembered reading your story here. I'm dealing with something like EM myself and hoping to treat it via neuroplastic healing methods like those for TMS. I know your own EM resolved seemingly separately to any mindbody work (and at least back in 2017, you mentioned you had difficulty even believing it was TMS, which is where I'm at lol), but I still take your story as a point of hope that it can go away as quickly as it comes. Thank you for sharing, and I'm glad you're still doing well.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
  10. Joseph_535

    Joseph_535 Newcomer

    It's been a long time. How are you now? Such a great and detailed post. I would love a update. A sentence or two would fine. Hope all is well.
  11. WantToBelieve

    WantToBelieve Peer Supporter

    It has been a long time! It’s hard to believe I went through all that! I’m doing great! My feet pain has achieved 100% pain-free most days!! There are very random days where it will pop up but it doesn’t last long.

    It is interesting though over the years I’ve had a few other mind body things. Recently I had shoulder pain that was diagnosed as frozen shoulder and then later as arthritis. I did PT and it improved almost 100% but there was this additional forearm pain that went a long with it that the PT couldn’t understand and didn’t make sense how it presented. Anyway, I kept working at it and it wouldn’t improve. I was nervous for what that meant and how I’d get help. I went on vacation and noticed it went away! I reasoned it was bc I wasn’t really using my arm much on vacation. When I got home the pain returned. I ended PT and wasn’t sure where I’d go from there and in my mind I wondered if it was somehow mind body holding on to this. I had some stressful stuff going on with my daughter’s health. I stopped PT and didn’t think about my an and just went on with life. Poof…arm pain gone as quick as it had mysteriously come! The brain is a crazy thing!
    Joseph_535 likes this.
  12. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    So, @WantToBelieve, the next time this happens, I hope you'll remember how long it took you to resolve this by messing around with PT and wasting time and energy by worrying needlessly, instead of using TMS skills and techniques to contemplate what might be really going on! This is where expressive writing comes in. As soon as you become aware of a symptom that's really getting in the way of your life, get out the pen and paper and just start writing shit down. I have resolved disabling RA flares and other setbacks in less than 24 hours by doing this. For a quick tutorial, do a web search on Nicole Sachs how to journal speak. You should immediately find her web page on this topic.

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