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Chronic Daily Pain... Hip flexor, hip, and glutes

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Secret Habit, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    On that note of how bad TMS can get...there is a book :Dying to be Me by a lady Anita Moorjani.
    She had incurable cancer that ravaged her body...(it's a good read).
    She had a near death experience...and on "the other side" she had a realization that SHE CAUSED HER OWN CANCER BY TRYING TO BE PERFECT (almost her exact words...she repeats throughout book). She then decides in her NDE she wants to live...shocks her family and doctors by not only waking up...but within DAYS AND WEEKS the cancer LEFT (even oozing sores the size of lemons) and ...in retrospect.........since she was a "good and perfect as per dr. Sarno " I left myself wondering....OMG....CPULD THIS HAVE BEEN HOW FAR TMS CAN GO????
    I believe.....YES. she speaks well about it in book...she is the real deal....you can find her on You Tube also.
    Fyi ..ttfn! Rene
  2. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Book ..Dying to Be Me
  3. Joima

    Joima New Member

    Just thought I would contribute for the benefit of others with the same pain. Groin, hip, glutes, shin, foot, thigh pain had me almost in a wheelchair last January 2022. MRI showed the normal abnormalities of FAI, labral tear, cysts, etc.
    I was told to get stronger, so I obsessed with exercise, which only made the pain so bad I couldn’t even do the basic stretches anymore. Massages would send my brain into freak-out mode, which made me want to jump off.
    I found out about TMS in the 11th hour, and understanding the science immediately decreased the symptoms by 25%. I still was in a lot of pain, but I saw a shift, and that made a huge difference in the game.
    I joined a group coaching call (thank you Dan Buglio!) who kept us all focusing on living our life. I had some internal work to do, and I know now what sent my brain into panic.
    The interesting thing is I got a hip replaced 6 years ago (it’s fine), and when the pain started in the other hip, it started as that initial pinching in the groin. Yep- the brain knows how to keep being persistent!

    im still walking with a cane, but it’s mostly because my brain feels safer with it. I’m taking more and more steps without it, and I don’t feel much pain at all. It feels like most of those areas are getting more blood flow, except that last little area which keeps the leg from being able to function correctly. But everyday I can do different movements that I couldn’t do the day before- which is hugely encouraging.
    It’s been a long, windy road, but I’ve learned a lot. I would say I’m about 80% improved, and there are many moments with no pain at all.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. Joima

    Joima New Member

    I wanted to post a follow-up from my September 2022 post, when I was still walking with a cane.
    This recovery process has been so slow, but I am now walking without a cane, and on most days I am pain-free. I’m hiking big hikes again, cross-country skiing and doing more yoga.
    But like I said, the process has been incredibly slow. But I’m a lifer TMS’er, with multiple symptoms my entire life. So while the hip/leg pain has been the primary symptom these past few years, I also had the secondary symptoms of IBS, insomnia, skin stuff, dizziness, etc. So, as my brain becomes less afraid, and I learn to be with what I need to be with, all these symptoms are improving. I am
    Now sleeping through the night, I can eat whatever I want, my skin looks great, etc.
    I also want to say, that without the hyper vigilance going on subconsciously, I am at the most peaceful and happiest stage of my life.
    Mr Hip Guy and Baseball65 like this.

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