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Chronic hip/IT Band pain for 2 years - Scared. Hurt. Alone.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by sdiddy, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    You can get there! Think of it like a treasure hunt. You’ve been hunting for ways to get there, but just haven’t found the right path yet. If you read a lot of news, I strongly suggest you back off of that for awhile. It is so anxiety inducing. And try to think good thoughts. Try to forgive yourself. My kids are raised and they turned out pretty good, but all I can do is think of all the things I know I did wrong while I was raising them. It literally puts me in agony. Lately I’ve been saying to myself, “ I did the best I could. It’s all anybody can do.” I just say it over and over; maybe that can help you too. I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain and misery but I know we can get better. I know it because I hear stories of people that have. after you absorb Dr. Weekes (She has more than one book, But hope and help for your nerves is the best one) really, check in with Dr. Hanscom. I think you would like his stuff too. He has a book and a blog and also the app is really cool. I’m doing it now.

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