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Derek Sapico Confused..

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Max2094, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    (Quote- Max 2094)-Well I had basically come good and had improved a great deal from where i was a month ago.
    On Saturday morning I went for about a 5km walk and ran some of the way too. I felt good afterwards and then went surfing with no pain at all while doing this.

    I was pain free for hours after all this activity and felt great. Later in the evening while at a friends place I had a similar spasm to the one I had a month ago and it's still very painful now days later. Conditioning plays a part with any activity that has caused pain before but I didnt expect pain at all doing the activity/exercise and the fact that the spasm occurred many hours after the activity is just more confirmation the pain is not coming from a physical issue.

    Still really hurts though and it is tiring having to continually pick myself up and start all over again once I feel a little better.
    The relapses of pain are seeming to become more frequent then last longer once they're here.
    Thanks to everyone for all the great input in this thread.

    (Quote-Eric Watson)-max i hurt plenty while i was re-covering
    i never thought it would leave-i used the affirmations everyday-still do
    it keeps the stressors doun-

    but you did start using your affirmations again right-
    you said you was using them and you stopped then the pain came back.
    After you hurt -you do give the pain time to re-side while you journal and face your emotions right
    now listen-when we journal or face and we see these angers and anxietys-
    we cant let them be our new triggers-im not saying your doing this....
    but i was at first-i remember thinking of my dad and some issues we went thru with him,
    and the next thing you know i was stressing over that-NO-this wasnt the way.
    i had to learn to see all those old hurtful memories in a new light of acceptance
    we will heal-and we will have conditioning that we thought was just crazy but
    we have to become at peace with them and re-lease them through acceptance.

    Dereks numbers 1 and 2 state to be kind to your self-i had to learn to stop
    letting the super ego beat me up-but then we have to learn again.
    theres a lot of good people reaching out to you-have you practiced the mindfulness?
    were here-god bless
  2. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    Hey Max and Eddie,

    I'm not a TMS psychologist in that I have only been at this a few months myself (about 90% pain free, yay!), but I do understand all the TMS concepts, and do use a mind body approach in counseling. I'm a psychologist in Brisbane, not Sydney, but is possible to have Skype consultations completely bulk billed through Medicare, if you don't mind using Skype. PM me if you would like more info. Cheers, Terry
  3. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    Hi Max. I am a TMS psychologist on the NSW north coast, and can only reiterate all the excellent suggestions you have been given already. Sadly, there are very few psychologists or physicians around that are up to speed with treating TMS, either in Oz or o/s. I really dont need the additional work, but if you would like to, feel free to get in touch with me via my website (www.drjamesalexander-psychologist.com) and perhaps we can have a Skype chat- i've done this with several other people from Sydney. There is also a GP who i refer people to down there- i'm not sure how his bookings are looking at the moment, but he is familiar with TMS theory (via reading my recent book) and he is an extremely well trained and highly experienced psychotherapist. Its up to you- just wanted you to know that you aren't as on your own with this as what you thought.
    veronica73 likes this.
  4. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    Terry- good on you! There are so few psychologists around who are even aware of TMS, it is great to see you offering consults. Could you send me your email address (i think you've got mine) so we can converse further- thanks, James

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