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Could TMS cause OCD?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    question. if its ocd and not pain how do you treat it as tms? with pain we tend to ignore it. but with ocd we accept and ignore?
  2. Kjarvis15

    Kjarvis15 New Member

    Baseball65 sounds like you are saying that you had to leave your marriage and change your career for the pain to go away?
  3. tag24

    tag24 Peer Supporter

    Old post to resurrect, but just wanted to say thank you for the STOP therapy idea and I'm definitely going to try it out. I've done the STOP part before myself but never the task-switching with it. Could be useful to help pay less attention to benign sensations!
    Baseball65 likes this.

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