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CPPS, hyperacusis, TTTS, tinnitus, neck pains, dizziness.. any hope?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by chintand17, Jul 26, 2023.

  1. deny

    deny Peer Supporter

    @buurman Oh wow! Can I also pm you?
  2. DrFoundin

    DrFoundin Newcomer

    Hey Buurman! I read your lines, and actually am kind of like focused around my visual snow (and bad dark vision, contrast problems, blurry vision), and tinnitus (mild). Just a few days, maybe a week ago, i would be triggered from anxiety that you wrote, "you still have tinnitus". But now as i getting better and better with TMS (and i only started around 20 days ago), now as i read your lines, i was like... "at the end he wrote he still just getting better" (So i didnt got triggered, i looked it an optimistic way!), so if you can get a BIT better, you can get a LOT better also. I mean, someone doesnt have to focus on 100% health at all cost etc... but as you wrote these lines, i am think that you can rid yourself from most of your residual symptoms. So you mindset is fantastic.
    As i understand from my "research" the symptoms melting away from time, with good mindset, positive persistence, gentleness, and with dealing the underlying emotions, fear, childhood traumas, bad unconcius mechanisms, inferiorty, goodis, perfectionis, and all of these, what create stress. I read some tinnitus succes stories, where mostly the tinnitus melted aways in weeks or months. The thing is that, in those cases, they not aware about MBS, but i suppose they had a big positive life change, where they reduced stress, and they got a better balanced life, and i found these similarities in those cases.

    Best wishes!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. buurman

    buurman New Member

    Hi! Sorry for the late response, but please feel free to :)
  4. buurman

    buurman New Member

    Hii, it sounds like you've cleared the most important milestone, it's the one where you learn to be okay(ish) with where you're at and your symptoms. In all the struggles I've described, that point has always been the demarcation point between hopelessness and knowing...hey man you got this!

    Since that message I've fully recovered from my neurological/muscle symptoms. I might still have day where I feel stiffish, or even sometimes, very rarely , I still get this weird nagging mild pain around but not in my joints which was central to my whole neuro-fear-but-actually-tms-adventure, but I just respond with complete indifference, and then it just goes away on its own.

    There's still trauma to be healed, and that still needs a way out since i cannot yet fully process it mentally, so its gonna find a way out, so lately my body has been throwing me heart symptoms again especially in combination with my ADHD meds, which do scare me but I've survived these 'heart attacks' for thousands of times now over the last ten years, so this fear cannot rule me in the same way.

    But actually, what that is is clear proof of something called the symptom imperative(look it up), and in turn also TMS. The brain is like, oh, you're not scared of this symptom anymore? Well we still gotta express your trauma, so I'm now gonna throw this new symptom okay? Oh well not scared anymore? How about this one?..

    But you can really disarm this mechanism, or at least defang it, through your response to it.
    DrFoundin and JanAtheCPA like this.

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