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Cyclical Nature of TMS: Back pain, insomnia and SIBO/IBS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by nora97, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    Hi Nora :)

    My first message in this forum. I feel very identified with 'And what will it be next year?' I have also been on a medical pilgrimage for the last 3 years for new pathologies (and where there is never anything).

    My answer is about SIBO.

    My wife suffered from brutal abdominal inflammation. She looked 4 months or more pregnant. The SIBO test came back positive for methane. She underwent treatment and improved a little, but not enough.

    The fault was mine. Coping with my anxiety was a daily challenge. She went on vacation to Sri Lanka and after spending 48 hours there, his swelling disappeared.

    You'll think maybe I ate differently. No, rice and vegetables with chicken. Just like at home.

    Your mind is generating SIBO.

    A client of mine is number 1 in this field in my country, and… Do you know what he is working on to cure him? autohypnosis.

    He knows that the mental component is key in all this.

    you got this!
  2. SIBOinLondon

    SIBOinLondon New Member

    Dear all,

    I just finished Sarno’s book The Divided Mind and it was a revelation. I had already figured out that my perfectionism and dysfunctional household when I was a teenager was the cause of my SIBO/IBS and other less major psychosomatic issues but I was not aware that I could use a treatment plan like Sarno’s to help me fix it. I’ve been seeing countless doctors, nutritionists and naturopaths for the last 25 (!) years with either no or temporary relief.

    I then googled and came upon this wiki and
    @nora97 your post and it is so spot on for me. I’ve booked a consultation with a TMS specialist for Tuesday so curious to find out more!

    thanks all for your contributions to this community, I feel like the puzzle pieces are all coming together for me, and I’ll check out the podcasts you recommend as well.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. nora97

    nora97 New Member

    Hi all - I know it's been quite a while, but I haven't forgotten about this forum, and in fact have lurked a few times in between my wedding and now. I did get married last month & had the absolute best time and am very happy. My bloating/IBS/SIBO symptoms were completely gone by the time my wedding arrived, and I felt even more affirmed that TMS was the cause of my bloating symptoms. It's almost like I've completely forgotten that I was so fearful so recently, and only am reminded when I re-read my post above.

    Unfortunately, (and unsurprisingly), a new obsession/symptom has emerged. Seriously - how could I still not have considered TMS at the start of the symptoms after everything I've been through?! I should give myself more grace - we all know TMS can be incredibly sneaky. While I don't think explaining the symptoms are all that important, I'll share just because it seems to be a symptom that is under-discussed relative to pain: adult acne. The worst possible thing for me, given how much I value my clear skin (not ashamed to admit, but yes, looks have always been important to me. I've never been one to ignore a pimple). I'm 27 years old (about to be 28 in 2 weeks), and I have a sudden, angry outburst of hormonal acne that does not seem to be going away no matter what I do. Of course, initially I tried to treat the symptoms ("maybe I'm having too much dairy? or I am over using my retinol cream?") And then, this transitioned to extreme despair ("I am getting a new one everyday! What did I do recently that would cause this? I'm not even stressed!")

    It took only a day or two for me to say "this is TMS. My brain is trying to distract me". Just now, I completed my first journaling exercise in a few months to try and uncover these feelings my mind is afraid of. I wrote down all that I am angry about, and tried to write fast enough that my subconscious could spit a few additional fears without my blatant knowledge. In fact, I am stressed and angry about a few areas in my life: trying to buy a home, feeling sad my wedding/honeymoon are over, frustrations at work with the political environment, etc. I'm not going to lie, while I am proud that I am thinking mental more quickly, I am still feeling resentful and dejected that it seems only a few months go by before a new ailment arises. And a part of me just feels like, why did I have to be born with these hypervigilant, perfectionist traits? I know that acceptance is key - both of symptoms & of myself in totality - but every now and then, I feel like I need a pep talk, even if it is just from me to me. Re-reading my posts above, I am realizing that me simply not caring about my symptoms is usually enough for them to go away. There is nothing special about acne (beyond it being literally on my face), but as I realized I could always suck my stomach in if needed, I can also always cover up my face with makeup. So, hopefully that is enough for now.

    BTW, I did lurk on most of the acne discussions on this wiki, and did in fact watch the video with Dr. Seidenberg who discussed dermatology in the context of TMS - which was helpful. I am still fighting myself to stay away from the hopeful thoughts, that if I just take accutane again or just get a hormonal pill prescribed all will be well. Any words of encouragement would be helpful :)
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    So it’s been a very short time since this acne has arrived, and now you know it’s TMS.. (assuming you are not pregnant, because that can cause acne) what TMS practices are you using? Getting married brings a huge host of changes, and since perfections of others is important to you what within that has perhaps created other emotions that partner with the happiness?
    For myself the idea of “wife” is not comfortable outside of my personal relationship with my husband. Things people said and how I was treated changed immediately and in a way that absolutely put me in a rage (still does after 32 years!). One of my latest symptoms is hair loss and nail issues, both are important to me, especially my hair which has always been my measure of beauty in the eyes of others. Could be hormonal, could simply be TMS. I’m not worrying about the cause but focusing on how it makes me feel, my personal perception, and also taking vitamins because I simply curious if that will help. Not obsessed with it.
  5. nora97

    nora97 New Member

    Thank you, @Cactusflower for your reply! I appreciate it - and no, am not pregnant :)

    Re: TMS practices, I'm journaling every night trying to uncover feelings of anger and simply list out everything that has been building up, even if it doesn't seem to make me angry in isolation. Asides from journaling and my daily meditations, I'm mostly just trying to think mental and not physical. So whenever I see the acne on my face, I try not to default to a cream of sorts, but instead take a deep breath and remind myself it's TMS, and if I don't fixate, then it has no control.

    Merry Christmas Eve!

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