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David Hanscom MD

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jacqui9, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have it but have not read it yet :rolleyes:
    I really am a bibliophile.

    But I am aware of John Pepper. He is Australian* and for some reason the Australians are ahead of the game in terms of Parkinson's. There are a couple of naturopaths who have had some brilliant results and one cured himself of PD. As you would expect there's talk of relaxing, positive perception therapy, dealing with unfinished business and such.

    There was a study with two groups of monkeys. Both were given Parkinson's. (How very rude).
    One group were left to lounge around and play cards, chat up girl monkeys and such.
    The other group were made to run maniacally.

    The first group succumbed to Parkinson's. The second didn't.
    Himself started running. Nearly killed him. These days he lounges around playing cards, chatting up girls. (Not really).

    Pepper found the middle way. He walked his way off medication. My lad is getting there, on days when he can walk.

    Ellen, have I told you lately that I love you? I shall dig out said book and duly read.

    * edit.
    Due to actually reading the book I learn he is South African...
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
    Ellen likes this.
  2. Maribel

    Maribel New Member

    Have you read the success with boxing ( Rock Steady Boxing) and the work of the parkinson recovery project ( pdrecovery.org)?

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