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New Program Day 14: Fostering Empowerment

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alan Gordon LCSW, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. lindyr

    lindyr New Member

  2. Susan Mary

    Susan Mary New Member

    I'm in a place where I have *both* structural and neuroplastic pain. Still waiting to see my neurologist. So I'm constantly guessing about which type of pain is present at any one time. I think I'll know more soon, and I'm "guessing" (ha) that the structural pain will heal within a few months. It's still maddening. The one thing I can bring to it is a sense of curiosity and a kind of scientific observation. I run through the criteria for neuroplastic pain frequently, and sometimes it is caused by the additional nerve injury and sometimes by stress. Doing a lot of breathing patterns to help with stress.

    Nowhere near empowerment. I would like to hear anyone's take on the distinction between empowerment and getting a little too brave in rehab. Thanks.
  3. Lojos

    Lojos Peer Supporter

    How did get on with your neurologist?
  4. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    IBS is awful! I have been dealing with it for a few years. It interferes with my life more than anything else. I can hardly walk. I understand the Sarno process, I just can't seem to BELIEVE it enough to change anything. I'm very frustrated b/c I am not feeling better....stagnant. It's so depressing. And stressful trying to figure out if the body aches are TMS connected to digestion, or hypothyroidism, which I may not even have.
  5. richard_lt

    richard_lt Peer Supporter

    jeezz this is tough, i struggle with not fearing activities that usually cause pain. Someone said recently to watch the 'judgement and pressure' and give yourself a break' its the words i keep going back to, this will take time
    Baseball65, BruceMC and JanAtheCPA like this.
  6. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sure sounds like internal mental pressure is the culprit, like an internalized emotional conflict that's taken on a life of its own and for some reason you can't let go of or abandon.
    richard_lt, Baseball65 and TrustIt like this.

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