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Day 19

Discussion in 'Alan Gordon TMS Recovery Program' started by rsiman, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. rsiman

    rsiman Peer Supporter

    Read about extinction bursts today, kind of interesting. I guess that is what my flare ups are since 2018 when I first got pain.

    Unrelated I want to compile some evidence like on day 19.

    1. I overcame the pain multiple times in the past.
    2. Right now only my right index finger has been hurting. After a period of not using a computer, my finger will feel ok. However, when I use a computer only with my left hand, my right hand sometimes will start hurting even though I'm not using it.
    3. Today I was at work, using both hands to type, until my right finger started hurting enough that I stopped using it. However, it kinda seems like it started to hurt more as the day went on even though I was using it less (i guess this is almost the same as my #2)
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great evidence list! Our TMS symptoms do not hold up when we evaluate them with rational, logical thinking.
    rsiman likes this.

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