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Day 32 - Deja Vu...All Over Again!

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ami, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Your'e not going to change them, your'e going to change how you allow them to affect you. Your'e going to change your behavior and re-frame your emotions. "Many people suffering from TMS put their own lives on hold so that others around them can remain the center of attention-allowing other family members to move forward. Your brain may deceive you but your body does not know how" Steve Ozanich - The Great Pain Deception p. 196.

    Your'e going to learn how to quiet the negative chatter in your mind and how the Super Ego is battling with the id. " The Super Ego is the false self that each of us has designed, based upon what we believe others want to see in us -- to stay connected. The more demanding our Super Ego people pleasing is, the greater the internal emotional conflict, as we simply cannot match or forever maintain a false image." Steve Ozanich - The Great Pain Deception p. 30.

    Not getting the suitcase was good because it is truly honest and necessary in TMS recovery to be true to yourself. You felt your emotions and rode them out and did not repress. Good Job !;)
    Ami likes this.
  2. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    I've been thinking A LOT about your post, Ami. I got to put my new TMS skills to work over the holiday. I am in Florida (600 miles away / 11 hour car ride) caring for my Mother-in-Law (81 yrs old) that is in the stages of dying from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. She is bed ridden and my Father-in-Law (83 yrs old) is in a wheel chair due to a MVA 25 years ago, paralyzed from the waist down. We received "THE CALL" ... this is it ... come quick. We left our 18 year old daughter alone on Christmas to help my husbands mother and father.

    There were so many instances where I could have gone TMS'ing ... but didn't. I put those skills to work. I had to be very mindful and pay close attention to my body and emotions, something that I was trained NOT to do. I was trained be watchful of how my behavior effected others and to behave to be pleasing to them. I am happy to tell you, I had to take Advil twice, once for a headache and once for low back pain. I was flooded with emotions and just kept imagining a safe passage for my feelings. I concentrated very carefully on my body, focused intensely at times and felt the pain. When I felt the pain it was during times of despair and sorrow. I cried at night when in my room and told myself to just let it all out. I sobbed at times...but it felt to good to release it.

    One thing I noticed is my time was really challenged. It seemed when ever I tried to catch a moment on my own, I was not allowed. I was needed here, then there...so I did a lot of my work in the bathroom ! I craved for my alone time. I felt like the family members were leaches ! ( I needed to re-frame that one). There is not one cookie cutter recipe for healing, but don't despair you will find your very own special concoction for your healing. Taking an idea from here and there, testing it out... till you have the right mix. There are two things that are the backbone to your recovery, and that is the knowledge (belief) of TMS (psychological vs structural) and the belief in Dr. Sarno's teachings. With those two beliefs in hand your'e at a stable foothold to forge forward to recovery. We all have to start at our beginning. You are, where you are. P.S. We're here with you * hugs ;)
    Ami likes this.
  3. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    Jilly, you are hilarious. I can't tell you how many times I've used the bathroom trick ...
    Jilly likes this.
  4. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    LOL ! They must think I have use the bathroom a lot and she stays in there a while ! But hey, part of my healing is NOT caring what they think about my bathroom habits, as long as I am taking care of my emotional and TMS needs ... I'm good !
  5. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Forest wrote this on one of his replies to Eric "Acceptance and Stressors"...I thought he said it so clearly as it fits to this thread of conversation....

    There is a common feeling that people need to change their personality in order to recover from TMS. We read Sarno's books and learn that our perfectionsit and goodist personality are one of the reasons we have symptoms, so it seems logical that we must change these traits. But as you mention, this is not the case. We can still get mad or frustrated and have negative things happen to us. The change we need to make is in how to react to these situations, and how we handle them.

    So much of why we have TMS is because we are uncomfortable with anger and other emotions that we have. When our emotions begin to build up, we push them down for some reason and ignore how we actually feel. As you mentioned, Eric, this is just like eating bad food that you know is going to make you sick. One of the biggest keys to recovering from TMS is to accept these situations and learn to react to them in a different way. Another way to look at it, is that we need to accept feeling uncomfortable with our emotions for a brief time.

    Once you start to allow your emotions, there is a chance you will find it to be uncomfortable. The feeling on discomfort is your mind's way to get you to repress your emotions and think physical. If you can simply allow the uncomfortable feeling to be with you, then you will begin to break the pattern of repression. This could feel overwhelming at first, but it will only be temporary. In time though, you will be able to change how you react to these situations in a healthier manner.
  6. Ami

    Ami Peer Supporter

    Jilly, can't say enough how very helpful your posts are to me - a big THANK YOU! This week I am remembering to put all of this in practice, issue by issue, moment by moment.

    Jilly likes this.
  7. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Thats it, step by step ... little steps one at a time ... moment by moment and before you know it, it will become more natural to you in your responses.
    Way to go !:)
  8. Ami

    Ami Peer Supporter

    Jilly, what a brave, courageous, and generous soul you are! Reading your story makes this whole process "real", how you allow yourself to feel the pain, and developed an ingenious bathroom strategy when there was "no time to catch a moment on my own". I see you as a determined trail-blazer, showing the way by walking it for yourself, through a very challenging life passage. Please continue to take good psychological and physical care of yourself. Big hugs back.

    Jilly likes this.
  9. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Ami, We have the same situation ! We're going to make it, and we'll be just fine. Don't you feel to happy and fortunate to have this group and Dr. Sarno's teachings?
  10. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    Jilly, I sure like this point you made "I had to be very mindful & pay close attention to my body & emotions, something that I was NOT trained to do. I was trained to be watchful of how my behavior effected others & to behave to be pleasing to them."

    Thanks for all the good stuff.
    Jilly likes this.
  11. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Thanks Sandy , No more pleasing others at the expense of our health, we are going to be watchful of our body cues ... We can't allow our bodies to cry out in this pain. We're going to make it, as we are healing to be whole again ...
    * hugs *

    I've read it's very difficult for those close to us to allow the transition because they enjoyed the perks of our behavior. They completely benefited from our behavior and they expect it because they had power over us. It is so true. Now it's time to line up with our true nature and not conceal our pain or discomfort with a situation. No more sacrificing to keep the peace. We no longer need to shelter them, they can handle it in their own ways as we forge ahead with our recovery. * hugs *

    P.S. I am so happy you didn't get those suitcases !
    Ami and tarala like this.
  12. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    Jilly I love the way you go right to the heart of the matter. I always get what you are sayimg on the body level as well as the mental. Keep it coming please. Hugs, Terry
    Jilly likes this.
  13. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    Awww, your'e so sweet...I learn so much here. I am so grateful for the forums and like minded people, such as yourself; we're all just trying to heal and recover :)
  14. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone,

    Nuggets of wisdom on people pleasing. This thread from 2012 is phenomenal! I’m bookmarking it.

    Cactusflower likes this.

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