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Deeper questions on TMS and its treatment

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by justsuffering, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    First, you're not going to reach a conclusion that makes you comfortable by asking everything to be explained to you. You must recognize truth when you see it and allow that truth to dissolve your current beliefs that are not true or only partially true.

    If a madman had a gun pointed at your head and asked you to read this thread, then explain exactly what is being suggested to you; you'd immediately be able to do it. This question would not arise. You'd be forced by fear to face your fear.

    You'd ignore your opinions and experiences and instead accept what you've been told. This is the fundamental problem going on on this forum, and in most or all social or institutional groups geared toward healing. There's almost always one or more people that see precisely the problem at hand for the members/patients. It's not an opinion. It's blatantly obvious. The people doing the "seeking" won't hand over their desires and/or beliefs for the wise person to "fix them.".

    Surely you've in that situation with someone before? You knew for a fact what the truth was. This person claims to badly want to understand, but you can see they're not willing to let go of their belief system to see it. So they remain deluded.

    Understand that your mind is not your friend in these matters. Using the mind is the exact approach of almost all on here, and 100% of those suffering currently. A very high IQ likely gets one into this mess, and it acts like crabs in a bucket to prevent you from seeing the big picture. Intellect will not fix this. Logic can only point. When you stop going into your head "about" the solution you are given, accept what was determined to be truth as an understanding you've yet to "accomplish," and be patient "without" seeking answers, you've begun the path to freedom.

    Much more is discovered than just seeing you were subconsciously creating the pain. You'll then see all your fellow sufferers creating their own suffering. From that understanding you will cease to create suffering in your life.

    Don't "become" a TMS sufferer. Do not become part of the social group dynamic on here. Do not stay here. The answers are 100% on in here in various forms. On the forum itself there is more unture than true. Most content comes from sufferers not healed. Let that sit in. Many of the "experts" are still seeking. Some are likely still suffering TMS, but come on here to give advice and feel powerful. No inferences made here. Just needs to be understood.

    At the same time the wiki has real answers and solutions. They've truly worked for me and also failed many to be very transparent. The forum has those solutions plus additional solutions offered by others presumably free of TMS.

    Read, filter, digest, read some more, reject what seems false, pick something that should work and EXECUTE. No more seeking. It's a trap.
    backhand likes this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @justsuffering

    It means to allow yourself to be vulnerable.

    Please take what some people here say with a grain of salt.
    Many of us are here to simply support one another through finding wellness.
    We aren't here for any other reason than kindness. For someone who is buried in anger and suffering, this can sometimes be hard to recognize.

    There are as many methods to heal as there are people, that is difficult for some people to understand because it can make them feel some doubt in their own methods of healing. Choosing how you go about this is a way to identify your own power over your symptoms. Most of the stuff in this thread is simply complicating the ideas and methods. Clear out the smoke screens by reading a book by Dr. Sarno.
  3. justsuffering

    justsuffering Newcomer

    What exactly do I not want to hear?

    And how do you know what's the truth if it's not explained? No one's born recognizing what the truth is.

    So how you suggest navigating this wiki?

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