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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021), Jan 13, 2013.

  1. sacolucci23

    sacolucci23 Peer Supporter

    Yes it does sound the same. This all started 7 months ago. I felt totally spaced out with major brainy fog. It honestly felt like I was recovering from a stroke or something. I didn't feel like myself. But I also got a lot of migraines and still do. They have reduced significantly but when I do get them I feel like they are deep within my ear. When I don't get them, I am dizzy and especially dizzy when I move my head around. That's why it's so weird. Ok, I understand having a migraine can make you dizzy but not having a migraine and still being dizzy? I also have extreme sensitivity to loud noise and my eyes have changed too. I have light sensitivity and when I am in the aisle in a grocery store, it's just hell. It's like I'm on a psychedelic drug or something in terms of the funny things my eyes do. But at the same time, anxiety also can cause light sensitively and ear changes and I know I have anxiety.

    I am leaving on a trip on Friday without my kids . I have a 16 months old that I feel terrible leaving for only 4 days. This thing is revving up because 1. I am scared to be dizzy while away and 2. I have extreme guilt. But im also depressed because during all of this, I also have bppv and had the true spinning which is so traumatizing.
  2. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    You are in luck! Migraines were Dr. Sarno's very own symptom that lead to his TMS theory. A colleague of his tipped him off that they were psychosomatic. Do some research in the books or search or google Dr. Sarno and migraines and see what you find.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yep, I've had all of that and sometimes still do.

    The BPPV is distressing, because it is so bloody disorienting, and frightening. I just remembered something - my brother was diagnosed with BPPV at one point, and he was advised, in addition to doing the Epley maneuver, to take an aspirin, which he said really helped. I am also reminded of an article I read a few years ago, about how taking a simple OTC pain reliever can easy psychological pain and distress along with physical pain and distress. I had a colleague a couple of years ago who suddenly experienced sudden and frightening dizziness - I suggested she take a Tylenol or an ibuprofen (I forget which, I don't think it matters) and she felt significantly better in a short time.

    I'm not sure if this remains effective in the long run, but if it can help you get back on track in the short run, that's something. I still say you're going to have to do the psychological work - that's what will work in the long run to banish TMS.

    Good luck

  4. colls100

    colls100 Well known member

    Thanks Jan, I think you are right.

    I had such quick, almost overnight, success with pretty much eliminating all my carpal tunnel-like symptoms. I couldn't understand why I couldn't apply the same logic to the floaty feeling. But I think it's a much bigger challenge and will involve some 'deep work'. I started the SEP, did 6 days and then fell into classic 'It's not helping, it's never going to work' thought processes. I know I need to stick with it and give it time.

    I will start again, thank you for your advice. x
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

  6. sacolucci23

    sacolucci23 Peer Supporter

    Do you feel dizzy when you turn head? I get dizzy looking left or right or if I move my head too quickly.
  7. sacolucci23

    sacolucci23 Peer Supporter

  8. sacolucci23

    sacolucci23 Peer Supporter

    "The TMS diagnosis and treatment protocol are not accepted by the mainstream medical community because they don't comply with the standards of evidence-based medicine. Critics in mainstream medicine state that neither the theory of TMS nor the effectiveness of the treatment has been proven in a properly controlled clinical trial. Considering the application of the TMS diagnosis to phenomena of migraine aura, more specific objections can be made. From a neuropsychiatric viewpoint, Sarno's notion of TMS is modelled after Sigmund Freud's doctrine of conversion, a defence mechanism whereby emotional stress is repressed and "converted" into physical symptoms (Freud and Breuer, 1895). However, in migraine with aura, stress just acts as trigger or precipitating factor, not as cause. Migraine is not a psychological or psychiatric disease but one which results from biological and physiological alterations. Therefore, Sarno's interpretation of migraine aura in terms of a conversion disorder, and its expansion to include persistent aura, have to be rejected from a neuropsychiatric point of view. Moreover, as Sarno has included lack of known physical cause among the diagnostic criteria of TMS, the making of this diagnosis to explain either transitory or persistent migraine aura phenomena can be rejected on the grounds of Sarno's own diagnostic criteria, as the neurological disorder migraine with aura has to be considered as a known physical cause which is an exclusion criterion for TMS."
    ---> I don't buy this. Migraine is TMS like many other disorders.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2017
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    In order to recover, I believe it's really important to stop obsessing about details and differences. "Dizziness" covers a lot of different sensations, and the fact is that every single type or sensation of dizziness can have EITHER a physiological/pathological cause, OR it can be caused by your primitive fearful brain as a function of TMS.

    Worrying about the particular type of dizziness that you have, and trying to compare it to the type or types that someone else has, is not a good use of your time or energy! If you are worried about your dizziness, you must have it checked out by an appropriate health professional.

    If that person can't find anything wrong, then your next step is to assume it's TMS. And if it's TMS, the best advice I can give you is to train yourself to just use "dizziness" as a very generic term, and leave it at that. I tend to say "vague dizziness" since I don't want people to waste time asking me if I have vertigo. Not that it matters!
  10. sacolucci23

    sacolucci23 Peer Supporter

    Thank you for this. I've been checked out. I've had an MRI, CT scan, detailed blood work, ear tests and all is normal. it makes sense not to focus on it as that is the point of TMS in the first place
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  11. colls100

    colls100 Well known member

    I'm by no means a TMS expert, but my first instinct (before I read Jan's reply) was that it probably won't help either of us to compare the details of our dizzy feelings. Ironically, I was doing okay(ish) with it before I knew about TMS. Then I got the carpal tunnel thing, found out about TMS and cured the hand pain.

    But since then I have felt the dizzy feeling get worse because I have been focusing so much on it. That's the most frustrating thing about my journey so far. That it's actually temporarily making the dizziness worse. But I know that's because I am thinking more about it. And I need to push through.

    My point is that we can't worry too much about the specifics of our dizziness. That just increases our focus and solidifies it's purpose as a distraction from what is really going on.

    If you're anything like me, you probably have some level of health anxiety now. And it feels like sitting around worrying and thinking and researching and monitoring every change and symptom of it will help. And is somehow productive because if you're not paying it attention how will you ever fix it or find a 'cure'? That's why TMS is so effective, because the opposite is true.

    You (and me both) need to keep switching our focus to the EMOTIONS. And disregard the physical. If the dizzies were going to hurt us, they would have done by now. And the other worry, that they're going to last forever, is exactly what is causing the FEAR that is the ultimate distraction. As I said, I'm not a TMS expert, but I'm beginning to understand the concept pretty well. It's just the putting it into practice that I struggle with.

    Like you, I've had every test under the sun and there's nothing wrong with me. This has to be our answer :)
    JanAtheCPA and Tennis Tom like this.

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