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Dr. Sarno has succeeded, but he shall not prevail.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by BeWell, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

    [Deleted at BeWell's request]
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  2. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

    [Deleted at BeWell's request]
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  3. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Plum, as always, enjoyed your beautiful writing! May I add to the list of the minds that shaped up our understanding of mindbody many of the Buddhist Tibetan monks, who were thousands years ahead of us in understanding of the relationship between the mind, the body and the pain, that infamous TMS that brought us all together to this forum.
    plum likes this.
  4. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    My lovely dad, with whom I enjoy very interesting discussions on subjects we have passionately different views on, always says how strong can your faith be if it can't stand up to the odd shakedown now and then.

    As vexing and confusing as it may be at times, I tend to agree. Besides which we can always take a hiatus (which I tend towards), or quite simply elect to ignore the person whose views drive us screwy. It's one of the boons of this forum. We can follow, ignore or be delightfully indifferent.

    I take your point about the dangers of jack of all trades getting in on the act. That does concern me. It takes a rare person to handle the soul with wisdom and care.
    mike2014 likes this.
  5. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    And what a fine addition they are. I have the Reggie Ray book you recommended nestled in my amazon basket. I thought he would be a good place to start my exploration because I love his writings.
  6. MrRage

    MrRage Peer Supporter

    I agree with a lot of what BeWell is saying but the way he is presenting it isn't going to win over too many people. The first post sounds like something from the pulpit of a 17th century preacher from New England.

    The TMS diagnosis really isn't a doctrine, it is a diagnosis based on clinical research and careful observation. Dr. Sarno used Freud's system to explain what is going on. Other doctors have somewhat different explanations for what is going on. The important thing is the understanding that the 'pain' is a psychological problem and must therefore be evaluated and treated psychologically.
  7. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    I believe BeWell has a perfect right to express his views on TMS here and disagree with Drs. Hansom and Schubiner. If they want to rebut, they have the right to come here and participate in the conversation. I take offense to those who wish to quiet his right to express his views on TMS and are name-calling and pressuring to shut him up. BeWell is expressing views on how TMS functions that are helpful to those wanting to understand TMS. He is expressing his views with passion and emotion--I thought that's what TMS was about--expressing passion and emotions and not having to repress and suppress them.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson and plum like this.
  8. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    We all have the option of ignoring discussion threads. For me, this is like ignoring TMS when it flares up, and then moving on to something else.
  9. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

    [Deleted at BeWell's request]
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  10. MrRage

    MrRage Peer Supporter

    I can empathize with BeWell's views because the medical establishment in America is really failing millions of people at this point in time. However, his posts are a bit too rhetorical and ideological and this could possibly be a turnoff to new users learning about the TMS diagnosis for the first time. Nobody seems to be suggesting that this topic be locked or that BeWell's posts be censored. Some posters are reacting to his posts radically because his posts are quite frankly radical.

    Nobody should be free from having their theories be scrutinized and criticized. That includes Hanscom, Schechter, Schubiner and even the undeniably great Dr. Sarno.
    Tennis Tom and pspa like this.
  11. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Could not say it in any better way!
  12. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    More power to you my darling. You have a good heart and I like your passion. I sometimes wonder if a rant warning disclaimer would soften matters :)

    I'm curious, are you a preacher?
  13. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

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  14. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

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    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  15. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

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  16. MrRage

    MrRage Peer Supporter

    I agree with most of your views and I am by no means trying to criticize your views. I just think that the way that you formulate them is a bit extreme. There is nothing wrong with this. But it also shouldn't be suprising when the responses you get are equally extreme.

    To be perfectly honest, I generally try to avoid thinking about the failure of the medical care system to recognize the TMS diagnosis as a serious and valid diagnosis. Most of us even here would have a faster recovery time because our doctors and the mainstream medical establishment would assure us that our problems are psychological. I spent eight years in pain and despair and that alone is an enormous indictment of the entire medical system. It took me eight years before I accidentally stumbled into the TMS diagnosis and it has been the most life-changing information I have ever encountered. It is outrageous that Dr. Sarno's work has still not been well-received after decades of successful treatment of his thousands of patients.

    I am also inclined to agree with your position that the more technical theories of TMS can potentially be counterproductive to patients because they will think about the information presented in these theories rather than focusing on their emotions and their unconscious.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  17. BeWell

    BeWell Well known member

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    plum and Tennis Tom like this.
  18. MrRage

    MrRage Peer Supporter

    It is quite likely that there is going to be a medical revolution simply because doctors cannot continue to defend the enormous number of surgical interventions they perform and the painkillers they prescribe. There is also the problem of healthcare costs that accompany conventional treatment options. Time is on our side. With the internet, we have a platform to raise awareness about the TMS diagnosis and we will continue to see patients successfully recover. In a few decades, the sheer amount of evidence will probably be too large for doctors to deny.

    In the meantime, it truly is infuriating to think that there are millions of Americans who are being deprived of a decent and dignified existence simply because they have been misdiagnosed. It is outrageous when we know that there are people who do understand what is going and their theories and evidence are largely being ignored by the medical establishment.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  19. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's a huge responsibility and I have the greatest admiration for those who fulfil that vocation. I attended a Church of England school and the associated church was the same one my family attended. I have fond memories of it and remember sitting in the nave, gazing upon the beautiful carving of Christ for hours as a child and young woman.

    Times have changed so much. People no longer have faith of any description and churches are visited more by vandals than those seeking sanctuary and peace. Science has taken more than just healthcare from us.
  20. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ironically I'm in a hospital now, chaperoning someone who has an appointment. They like me to come because I kindly tolerate no nonsense and scaremongering. Looking around at the shambles before me, I just made the observation that I wouldn't trust these people to drive my car never mind touch my body.
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