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Eye issues ruining my life. TMS?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by yoyo12, May 19, 2017.

  1. EileenS

    EileenS Well known member

    Yoyo12, remind yourself of how much you have improved when you feel anxious and remind yourself of outcome independence.
    yoyo12 likes this.
  2. Roxygirl577

    Roxygirl577 Peer Supporter

    That's great news Yoyo! For me, the anxiety and obsessions had to go away first before I started to see physical improvement, so keep it up and don't let yourself get discouraged. Can I ask what kind of drops you are using for your eyes?
    yoyo12 likes this.
  3. yoyo12

    yoyo12 Peer Supporter

    Thank you Roxy! That's very encouraging to hear! :) I decided to not use the drops anymore since a few days ago as my eyes start to feel comfortable enough and as I read that using medication and aids only enforces the idea there's something physically wrong with you. Like @EileenS I used these preservative-free saline solution drops, only available at the pharmacist (I've spent soooo much money on them!). It was the only thing my eyes could handle, any other kind drops would make them more irritated.
  4. yoyo12

    yoyo12 Peer Supporter

    Hi everyone, a little update! So I've very much improved, my eyes don't hurt anymore! From time to time i'll get a little stabbing sensation in my eye but that's about it pain-wise. The red veins are still there, though their appearance has improved and I've been able to wear a little make up every now and then as well. I hope I'll be able to wear full mascara and eyeliner again soon if I keep up the work and that those unsightly veins will disappear as well! (it still rivets my mind, so maybe it will be the last symptom to go?). I know I'm on the right track but I'm having a little mental setback though, every time I make a big leap forward my mind starts rebelling telling me i'll never be the same again. But hey, I've come this far. Thanks for all of your support xoxo
    readytoheal and David88 like this.
  5. SammyT

    SammyT New Member

    Hi Yoyo12,

    I wanted to get in touch to let you know that when I was 20, I developed very similar issues to what you have been having with your eyes. I also developed large red veins in my eyes in my early 20s. Today, I also believe that it was caused by TMS, but at the time I wasn't aware. Unfortunately, you might find that the veins don't go away -- that has been the case with me. I think what happens is that the brain shuts down oxygen to them (just like in muscles) and the veins appear, as they were "fighting" to get the oxygen to the eyes. Unfortunately, it's hard to reverse once that has happened. I haven't found a cure yet (and please don't do "IBrite" surgery -- there have been people reporting horrible, horrible complications from it.

    I say all this not to upset you, but to tell you that honestly, you're the only one who really notices the veins, and the trick now is just to do your best to ignore it and go on with your life. They may subside in time (I hope so, for you!) but if they don't, don't let it run your life. That's exactly what the subconscious mind wants -- it wants to keep you fixated. So, do your best to mentally overcome it....and let us know how you are doing. I'm 40 now and have had prominent red veins all my adult life. Probably only three or four people have ever said anything about it. I don't love getting my photo taken, but that's what photoshop is for, haha (I just "whiten" my eyes where/when I want to).

    Hang in there!
  6. AC45

    AC45 Well known member

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for this thread! I've recovered from or reduced the severity of several TMS symptoms. My eyes have been red for months - even though I am sleeping better. I went to the eye doctor yesterday and she could not find anything wrong. I didn't know that red / bloodshot / tired looking eyes was a common TMS symptom!

    I needed to see this today.

    Thank you!
  7. SammyT

    SammyT New Member

    Hi Roxy,

    Can you share a bit more about how you control the "large vein in your eye that turns bright red"? I've had permanently engorged veins (one is huge and terrible and so unsightly) for almost 20 years. Looking for a cure. TMS approaches haven't helped me, nor has diet, eye exercises, compresses...the list goes on and on, but I'm always looking for a new approach. Surgery for this condition does not seem to exist. Would love to hear any insights you may have to share.

    Thank you!
  8. SammyT

    SammyT New Member

    Hi Yoyo, I'm not sure if you're active on this forum any more, but if so, I'd love to hear how your eyes are doing - did your veins ever recede/diminish/go away? I have the same condition - nothing I've done has helped for decades, but I'm still trying...Thank you!
  9. SammyT

    SammyT New Member

    Hi Peter, I'm not sure if you are still on this forum, but if you are - can you share more about how you cleared engorged red veins in your eyes? I'm almost certain I don't have a thyroid issue, and I've read that using thyroid hormone if you're not deficient is not recommended. I've tried raw/plant based, but maybe wasn't as 100% dedicated as I needed to be. How long did you have engorged red veins, and how long did it take to clear them? I've had mine (it's GIANT, I've never seen anyone with what I have) since an eye infection in my early 20s - my eyes are "normal" now (decades later), but the vein never went away. It's so ugly, and weighs me down. I hate having my photo taken and there's very little record of my adult life because of this. It's also likely why I'm still single - eye contact is so important in dating, but my ugly eyes have kept me from doing a lot of that - it's so obviously ugly. Any help you can provide (and hope) would be so appreciated. Thank you!

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