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Foot Pain Remarkable Recovery

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by Andy Bayliss, May 5, 2013.

  1. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Here's my remarkable recovery milestone: Today I jogged/walked a 5 K, and my feet feel a little tired, but that's all. What progress! A year ago I was in a wheelchair.
    I'm having a setback with my migraines, but am trying to remind myself of Claire Weekes' statement: "Don't begrudge setbacks. We recover in setbacks."
    Ruth_L and PKat like this.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Gigi)-"Don't begrudge setbacks. We recover in setbacks."

    Eric)- I love this Gigi, your an awesome warrior on the tms journey
    I know all about those headaches and I know you will have them under control soon.
    I had them for a long time and now im really doing well in that recovery
    a lot better than before- I was getting them like three times a week
    now only like once a month , if that so im really proud of me.

    I noticed you have had similar results with your headaches/migraines
    so it goes to show us two have been winning, even in our setbacks-
    we don't begrudge. And that 5k walk, awesome-
    The energy from the earth when we walk is so fulfilling. :)

    Thanks for being a humble spirit Gigi your the best.
    Gigi likes this.
  3. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Thanks! You make me smile :) Ditched the headache the next day by doing what I know I need to do.
    BTW, do you prefer Eric or Herbie? I've seen people refer to you both ways.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Gigi
    you can call me Herbie if you please or Eric-
    it don't matter were pals on a journey and its so cool-
    that you've done gone and done what you knew to do.

    Now your doing better- that's so enlightening cause I do the same things
    Ill search and get so involved in my study's that ill have to have a talk with my self
    and myself is always telling me to go back to what I know and not try to make it more complicated
    So I listen and every time I come out on top a winner like you.
    Your awesome Gigi thanks so much.
  5. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Thanks, Herbie. Right back atcha!
  6. capegirl

    capegirl New Member

  7. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you everyone for the responses to my story and for the acknowledgement of my progress. It feels good to be seen and encouraged.
  8. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    Andy B - your story is really inspiring. PF is the worst and I still have it. I've been listening to Dr. Sarno's book at night (the one about backs) & it completely applies to everything we PF people go through. I have my own success story though. My hip bursitis, back pain & other things are healing. My hips were so tender before it used to make me cry. Now, I'm fine. Fine. I can't believe it. I found some PF exercises, and drink green tea as well as listen to Dr. Sarno, and I feel I'm on the mend from PF, I hope.

    The PF exercises are here in case anyone wants them

  9. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    Andy B - your story is really inspiring. PF is the worst and I still have it. I've been listening to Dr. Sarno's book at night (the one about backs) & it completely applies to everything we PF people go through. I have my own success story though. My hip bursitis, back pain & other things are healing. My hips were so tender before it used to make me cry. Now, I'm fine. Fine. I can't believe it. I found some PF exercises, and drink green tea as well as listen to Dr. Sarno, and I feel I'm on the mend from PF, I hope.

    The PF exercises are here in case anyone wants them

  10. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Interesting exercises! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    Even though I did not start this thread on PF, I am going to post an update here.

    I am getting better, day-by-day. I still have other TMS issues but my PF is healing.

    I have had this for 17 years or so, it's why I gained weight, well one of the reasons, the other reason is TMS for overeating disorders, which is another thread.

    I no longer feel as stiff when I get up in the morning. I started having a super-bad flare this summer, I had an un-dx'd really really bad ulcer (TMS) that I did not know was an ulcer. I then started having worse than ever PF pain even though I was resting & off my feet.

    I was listening to Dr. Sarno read the back book he did (got it from itunes) & in this book he talks about heelspurs, which are Plantar Fasciitis which are TMS. I was thrilled when he mentioned heelspurs.

    I've also been listening to Dr. Schubiner, who is a protege of Dr. Sarno on youtube.

    I really want to get better, really. Praying and hoping...
  12. Gigi

    Gigi Well known member

    Wow, Ruth! Congrats on all of your progress!
    Ruth_L likes this.
  13. Calum

    Calum Well known member

    Thank you for posting such an inspiring success story Andy B! I too am a very keen hiker and a couple of months ago my sypmtoms jumped from my wrists to my achilles which was very worrying, but I walked through it and now its back in my wrists. Still proves its TMS, nothing physically wrong with me.
  14. Kimberly1evans

    Kimberly1evans Newcomer

    I also felt like an old woman when my PF got worst. It took me two years to finally find a cure, and i spent lots of money throughout the years trying to find something that works. I just wanted to be confrontable wile im at work plus im a daily runner so it really sucked for me. I created a blog about ow i cured my plantar Fasciitis, if your currently suffer form it i believe it would be a good follow up after this article How to cure Plantar Fasciitis
    esnanna likes this.
  15. SunnyinFL

    SunnyinFL Well known member

    Thanks for your post! Very inspiring, especially because I have foot pain, too. Curious if you have the time . . . what were the best techniques you used for getting over your resistance to the diagnosis? Thanks again, SunnyinFL
  16. Cmenow24

    Cmenow24 New Member

    Thanks for th is info, I would love to hear your recommendation s on other reading materials or daily tips/journey. I know I have tms and feel I accept it, I also try and meditate daily ..I think allott of my back pain is from anxiety, and so many years with pain. I've reduced dramatically my pain meds but can't seem get over the hump. Any tips would be great.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  17. mncjl123

    mncjl123 Peer Supporter

    If the arch pain is due to the Gastrocnemius muscle, will stretching help? Or, should I stop stretching.
  18. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi mncjl123,
    I stopped stretching because it emphasized the "physical." My fee stopped hurting. Don't remember what muscles were involved, but the "physical" practitioners had plenty of convincing diagnoses and treatments which never worked.
    Andy B
  19. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Peer Supporter

    I loved your story. I can relate to feeling old. I actually was sure I was near death! That's funny to me now because I realize I had a healthy body all along.
  20. Lady Phoenix

    Lady Phoenix Peer Supporter

    Dr Sarno says we need to stop thinking about the physical (which would definitely include stretching) and focus on the psychological. Remember that you have a healthy body and it's repressed emotions causing the pain. Think about things that have made you angry, or fearful today and in the past. It's messy and inconvenient but it works if you do it repeatedly.

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