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Foot Pain Remarkable Recovery

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by Andy Bayliss, May 5, 2013.

  1. PattiAnn2763

    PattiAnn2763 Newcomer

  2. MigraineSky

    MigraineSky Newcomer

    Andy, your story makes me want to shout. My history sounds very similar to yours except I was dealing with debilitating shin splints and achilles tendonitis. Yesterday, I walked about five miles for the first time in probably 10 years. I am beyond excited. And like you...I still have a ways to go before I'm 100% but for the first time I feel like I'm getting my life back.

    It is exhilarating. And hearing your story only adds to my hope. THANK YOU!
  3. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi MigraineSky,
    I am so happy for your success. Reading your report I recall the deep thrill when my symptoms did not arise ----which had seemed intractable. In my experience, once the process starts, you're on your way. I hope you have great confidence!
    Andy B
  4. Joseph_535

    Joseph_535 Newcomer

    Andy, I sound just like you but had a left plantar fasciotomy and bilateral gastroc recessions... No pain relief .... pain in both arches convinced it's TMS... but have had no success with getting relief. How did you do it?
  5. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Joseph,
    I guess all the success stories are alike, but each is different.

    I didn't believe the Sarno stuff, but took one of his books to the desert for solo retreat, my last chance before surgery. I inquired deeply and began to think "this could be me." I had my first pain-free steps by simply realizing that I had a belief that it was physical. Lots of silence, meditation, and really grappling with the ideas helped me. And I began to see myself more and more in the book (The Divided Mind). I saw how powerful my Inner Critic was, and how this could cause inner tension. I saw how I expected there to be pain, and had many small surprises when it was mild. I spoke to myself with each step, actually to my foot: "You can stop the foot pain, I am willing to feel my emotions!" I very slowly increased walking. I made small goals for myself. I returned to the desert mountains 2 more times, deepening my practices, inquiry. I felt pain, but I didn't catastrophize about it. It got less important, and less intense. I had more confidence. I worked on being kinder to myself.

    I hope this helps a little, and you can go to my website to read some more personal anecdotes on my journey if you like. tmspainrelief.com

    I'm sorry you've struggled with this. And I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I will try to notify myself of responses to this thread in the future.
    JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.

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