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Gave up all physical treatments but still pondering glasses

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by dabatross, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. lowella

    lowella Peer Supporter

    This is extremely interesting, especially the link to the Dr. Bates info. I had to get readers right when all my issues started, and have often wondered if I could ditch them, for 2 reasons: 1. I woke up one night and my wife wasn't home when she was supposed to be - I picked up my phone and read the message without any problem at all. I didn't even realize it until I woke the next morning.
    2. When I was doing neural retraining for smells, I included the phrase "in the past, trouble with my eyesight caused frustration" - my eyesight cleared up and I even bought a less powerful pair of readers. Then I stopped doing it and ended up going back to my more powerful readers. I was training for a lot of things at once so it just wasn't priority, but I plan to try it again now. Thank you! And I know this thread is about much larger problems than close-up reading but wanted to post my experience in case it encourages anyone.
  2. had

    had Peer Supporter

    It's obvious that tension can cause difficulty focusing and other eye issues and reduce your baseline quality of vision, but I have a hard time going to the Bates length of thought because your lenses harden with age and that's a physical fact...nothing about TMS. There comes a point everyone needs reading glasses and many people live in denial or are too egotistical and just work around it. But no amount of TMS work is going to soften a hardened lens and make it able to focus better. It's an optical fact and not a TMS equivalent. Some things are just real and physical and unavoidable and stuff like Bates in my opinion preys on our desire to stay young and just as functional as we always were. Acccepting we aren't is one of the hardest things I have experiened.
  3. lowella

    lowella Peer Supporter

    Thanks, I appreciate the reply but it didn't really address my two experiences. Can you temporarily see well under emergency circumstances? Why was I able to avoid glasses for a month in the middle of many months either way of needing them? Why do I know people 30 years older than me who don't need readers? (sorry, I have lots of questions) I agree that there are physical things that happen as we age, but I also believe there is some cellular level magic going on that we have no clue about. Bates doesn't seem to be "preying" on anyone or anything in particular, to me. What would be his reason to do so?
  4. had

    had Peer Supporter

    Of course adrenaline dumps can heighten sensory awareness. sharper vision, hearing, smell, more blook to muscles for fight or flight. I can also see better on a brightly lit day because my irises contract more making vision sharper. I do not believe at all that presbyopia is TMS and I doubt you'd find a TMS doctor who would say it was. I also don't believe there are many old folks that don't "need" readers....they work around it, fake it, have cataract replacement lenses with bifocal setups etc. It would be a rare specimen who is in their 70s and still had perfectly elastic lenses and could see as well as a 20yo. Surely they exist as there are always outliers, but its not the norm. Most people just do not have that reality no matter how healthy and emotionally centered. The body ages and not everything is TMS.
    lowella likes this.
  5. BagelSchnitzel

    BagelSchnitzel Peer Supporter

    Hi Guys,

    I've been looking into this in greater detail and Neurolens new contored prisms may be a potential solution to at least alleviate some of the symptoms, heres their site: https://www.neurolenses.com

    "Jaclyn Munson, OD, FAAO, of Fort Collins, Colorado, treats plenty of patients who suffer from eye strain, chronic headaches and a stiff neck. Many have written these symptoms off as part of a stressful lifestyle with too much time at a computer or staring at work. However, while many of these pains could be caused by stress or posture, for example, a misalignment of the eyes can irritate the trigeminal nerve, the largest nerve connected to the brain. Dr. Munson now prescribes neurolenses®, the first prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment, correcting misalignment that can irritate and overstimulate the trigeminal nerve.

    Dr. Munson’s practice, Fort Collins Family Eye Care, emphasizes the preventative approach offered in the technology and early detection of symptoms. The practice is home to the Vision Performance Center, offering vision therapy services, and Eye Spa, a spa dedicated to natural enhancement of the ocular surface, ocular skin care and nutrition. Being able to prescribe neurolens is a bridge between all of these aspects. Ruling out phantom, or pseudo dry eye, enhancing our vision performance outcomes, and preventing further complications for trigeminal dysphoria.

    “When a patient has double vision or chronic headaches, there are a plethora of factors that we have to rule out,” she says. Sixty-five percent of patients suffer from symptoms associated with trigeminal dysphoria and only 10 percent report these to their provider. A neutral platform to stir the conversation stems from a simple, seven-question neurolens Lifestyle Questionnaire that patients fill out, rating the frequency of symptoms such as headaches, shoulder/neck stiffness, tired eyes, light sensitivity and dizziness on a scale from 1 to 5.

    A patient who scores high on several of these factors is brought to the neurolens measurement device, a three-minute series of visual tests that objectively measure misalignment. The neurolenses use customized, contoured prism to adjust for these misalignments, essentially calming down the constant, proprioceptive movement that the eyes make to compensate for this via the trigeminal nerve. “It’s a proven avenue to allow root cause conversations to take place and guide patients’ decisions in their care.”

    The results have been impressive in her practice, she says. After formal neurolens prescriptions have been integrated in our patients’ lifestyles, they report relief of symptoms within 30 to 60 days for a vast majority of the cases. “We set expectations and walk with our patients as the journey to wellness unfolds,” says Dr. Munson.

    “It’s a diagnosis and category of technology that our industry hasn’t monitored before and the need is grand.” She says the results of neurolens testing provides her with objective data about the patient’s visual function. Patients who opt for neurolenses can use their frame allowance but pay for the lenses outside of insurance. Patients report the “savings in pain” is priceless compared to the investment in neurolenses.

    The possibilities for a customized solution are nearly endless. Some patients wear plano neurolenses with contact lenses, and others use them primarily for occupational use, such as at work. “The more patients wear them, the greater the therapeutic benefits.”"
    I'm trying to get in touch to see if this treatment is available in the UK. Sounds very promising though.

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