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Genital tingling

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Candy, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Candy

    Candy New Member


    I had good days these past few days, although the tingling is gone, its being replaced with very mild tendon pain on the left side of my pelvic area. Its still annoying because my focus is still on this area. The mild pain and anxiety will alternately come, sometimes there are days when i feel so low, during these times, i would cry so hard and be angry why i brought these sufferrings to myself. Even though i know that this is tms, i still find it so hard to go back to my normal life. Would it be okay to cry and angry during recovery? Will crying or being angry will slow down my recovery? During your recovery, did you already do your normal life routine pre tms?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
  2. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thats good to hear...sounds like the tendon pain is just the symptom imperative at work. I think its good to cry and feel angry, and a natural part of recovery! This is what is meant by "feeling your feelings." It is difficult (and sometimes the pain might even seem preferable!) but something I definitely experience and i'm sure others do too. It is hard to do but the best thing is to try not to judge your recovery...try to be nonjudgmental towards yourself and your feelings and let whatever is happening be there. I think it takes time to get back to your usual pre-TMS routine...it will come with time. Try to allow the whole experience to unfold without being too hard on yourself.
    Candy likes this.
  3. Candy

    Candy New Member

    thanks again ms mindbodypt

    I feel that recovery for me is a very up and down experience, there are days that i felt good, there are also days that i will feel sad even though the symptoms are diminishing. I dont know why? I supposed that when the symptoms are diminishing that i should be happy already but that is not the case for me, because i still anticipate that it may worsen again. As for you, did your symptoms go up and down or it just go down and down?
  4. MindBodyPT

    MindBodyPT Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes my symptoms did fluctuate. I think that's often part of the process, healing doesn't always happen in a linear pattern. Anxiety and fear of the pain is definitely part of the syndrome. There's no timeline of when to feel a particular way :) I sometimes even stilll get a little pain here and there although I feel much better overall!
    Candy likes this.
  5. Candy

    Candy New Member

    thanks a lot again ms mindbodypt for your reply and help.
    MindBodyPT likes this.
  6. Lunarlass66

    Lunarlass66 Well known member

    I had an MRI too and not having any medical expertise scared the HELL out of myself by mistakenly opening up the copy of my written report... For someone with severe medical anxiety, it was opening a Pandora's box.. I saw things on there I didn't even know I had... The spine specialist said "normal wear and tear".. But bulged discs, herniated disc, mild scoliosis, degenerative disc disease... All terms designed to fuel the TMS gas tank! I never should have opened that report! I mean, the disc thing I knew about, I had surgery 20yr ago and no pain up until 4 months ago while dealing with near homelessness, the loss of a 20 yr "brother", and job loss due to a succession of real physical injuries, which seemed to set off the anxiety and chronic pain.
    I wish the very best in healing and happiness to all the kind people on this site. TMS is not for the faint of heart...
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
    MindBodyPT likes this.
  7. hoolie

    hoolie Peer Supporter

    Everything you say is part of the healing trajectory. I'd like to share a couple of my favorite posts with you. The first is on outcome independence by Alan G- basically developing an attitude of not caring whether symptoms are there or not. It's hard. but so important! No, I haven't mastered it all the time, but I'm better .

    http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/a-word-about-outcome-independence.562/ (A word about outcome independence)

    The other one is @AnitaV tips to healing. Remember that everyone's path is different, but these tips are so helpful.
    http://tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-tms-recovery-plan.12499/ (My TMS Recovery Plan)

    Remember that you're winning at this game. It's changing, moving. You're winning!
    Candy likes this.
  8. Candy

    Candy New Member

    hi hoolie,

    Did you also experienced genital tingling?
  9. hoolie

    hoolie Peer Supporter

    Candy likes this.
  10. Candy

    Candy New Member

    thanks a lot for this thread, this gave me a lot of good insight.
  11. Candy

    Candy New Member

    Yes, i already read hope and help for your nerves. By the way, are you already healed? Do you also have anxiety and depression? What do you think about anti anxiety and antidepressants?
  12. hoolie

    hoolie Peer Supporter

    Hi Candy-
    In some ways I have healed! And just admitting that is a big step for me. You've seen it all over this forum: perfectionist, don't want to admit success when still grappling with issues, fear, etc. But considering the vast number of symptoms that have come my way since this all started (that have mostly come and gone), the strength of my belief in this, the way I can honor myself and watch how I'm treating myself and stand up to my (VERY STRONG) inner bully, and how much more I'm doing now than when I started (including having twins!), yes. I have healed a lot.

    In some ways I am not all the way there yet, and I have been hesitant even to reach out to support others early in their journey because I'm not "perfect" yet. But when I recognize so much of myself from earlier parts of my journey in another post, I feel compelled to speak up. I know how much it sucks to be so worried all the time. I know what it's like to feel like you're falling apart, to doubt, etc. I have experienced depression and anxiety as part of the TMS package. Depression is better, but anxiety continues to be something that I am working on slowly. I'm working my way through Claire Weeks' book and trying to make time for meditation more often. It really helps. I'm trying to shed the need to "do it right". I just sit down, close my eyes, and breathe.

    Hope this helps. I have been through every doubt, my mind has pulled every trick in the book. It's exhausting sometimes!

    Hang in there.
    Mermaid and Candy like this.
  13. Mermaid

    Mermaid Well known member

    What am excellent post. It sums up exactly where I am at the moment too. Nice to feel connected. Thank you
    Candy and hoolie like this.

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