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Healing my Tension Headaches

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by EdenNC, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. EdenNC

    EdenNC New Member

    May 2017:
    I discovered that I can get rid of tension headaches in seconds. Once I know that it's my mind causing the pain, I tell myself that I don't need pain to distract me from the stress that I am going through and my headache stops. I have also been able to prevent them from starting. I usually feel pressure in my eyes before the tension headache takes over. In the past my headaches are so intense it hurts to move my eyes and they have lasted 24-48 hours. If they lasted more than 48 hours they would turn into migraine headaches.
    I have woken up to a bad headache and as soon as I know what is happening, I can make it go away.
    Protea, Mermaid, Ellen and 2 others like this.
  2. Ines

    Ines Well known member

    Thanks for sharing. I think you are really lucky and I'm so happy you can do that. I've had migraines for 6 years. I've had a lot of success this year since I learned about TMS. They still creep up sometimes and even though I think I know what brings them on, sometimes they still come. A lot of times I've made them go away too by doing what you describe. I'm glad to read your story because a lot of migraine success stories usually say they get them occasionally and that's been lingering in my mind as doubt that TMS can work. I haven't been on the forum in a while but I'm having a bad month and needed to read a good success story for motivation and simply cannot believe this is the first one I saw. Every time I doubt, something points me in the right direction. Thanks for making my day.
    Mermaid likes this.
  3. EdenNC

    EdenNC New Member

    Thank you for your message regarding my success in ending my head pain. I am very new to this site as well as to understanding mind/body connection. I think the more we read, learn, express our emotions instead of suppress our emotions, the healthier we get and the more we can heal. So, be patient with yourself. If this has been a really hard month for you, have you been journaling to know that something this month has been more stressful or triggered more migraines?

    Yesterday I had a hard time making one stop before it was the full pain from my eyes to the back of my neck. I literally had to lecture myself and the pain. Then I thought that perhaps I was repressing how I was feeling and so I allowed myself to be a complaining "kid," for a few minutes and after that, I was able to make the pain go away. I know the amount of stress I have in my life won't go away over-night and I feel the need to be stoic. Also, I am starting to explore how guilt effects my body and pains. I don't want to forgive myself for being mentally ill when my son was young and traumatized by my mental illness and bad decisions, so sometimes I think certain TMS symptoms I have could go away and be healed if I can forgive myself more. I think we have to explore and be open to multiple reasons of why we experience TMS. I hope I didn't babble too much (smiles).
    Ines likes this.
  4. Ines

    Ines Well known member

    Thanks for your reply. I agree that the more we learn the more we heal. Sometimes when I read something it affects me one way but if I re-read the same thing it has a whole different meaning a few months later.
    If you have guilt you should read this book. https://www.amazon.com/Self-Compass...&sr=8-1&keywords=self+compassion+kristin+neff
    Throughout the year, I would post questions on this forum and people would always say I needed more self compassion. I didn't really understand it until I read this book. It kind of explains why it's ok to be a complaining kid.
    But still.. stressful times are still tough. Thanks for your advice.
  5. EdenNC

    EdenNC New Member

    Thank you for the book link. I look forward to reading it, very soon. Thank you for reaching out!
    Ines likes this.

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