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Help. I'm an anxiety freak

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Yes the tightness is pretty much constant for me. But the tightness does seem to move about. Sometimesit's around my tailbone. I guess my mind is so focused on the whole area
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I like Karen Kingston. I especially like the descriptions of Balinese culture. When I am sweeping our balcony (goddam pigeons :mad:), I pretend I am a serene Balinese woman creating sacred space. It helps. Is Clear Your Clutter the smaller book with a section on the digestive system?
    westb likes this.
  3. westb

    westb Well known member

    Yes it is. I have both of her books, can't remember the title of the original one, but Clear Your Clutter is really an offshoot of it.
  4. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    ...which is why you are anxious about it and as mad as a box of frogs. :)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I tell you though sitting on an exercise bike helps alot.
  6. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    So how do I go about moving on??? Just carry on with life even though I feel shit???
  7. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Listen to this.

  8. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    westb likes this.
  9. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is brilliant.

    westb and Steve J. like this.
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I almost need to hear a medical professional saying about a tight anal sphincter haha
  11. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Even though I have read hundreds about it haha
  12. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    You are obsessing far too much, Alfa. I know what you are going through is difficult and maddening. But your constant preoccupation will in no way magically make the pain go away or help. It will only cause further distress. I know how hard it is, brother. I truly do. We want to know 100% that our pain is not "serious" or that it will go away eventually, or that it won't get worse. What matters most, as the brilliant Dr. Weekes has outlined, is just accepting. I am in pain, too, brother, but we will get through this, as long as we have faith in the process and in our own power which we've both used to overcome this in the past.
  13. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    I can't put it any better than this. Once you've had anything physical or serious ruled out by a doctor, and you know that the things you are experiencing are nothing more than an over-sensitised expression of your sympathetic nervous system, the only thing left is to connect the dots.

    If you really need to hear someone say this maybe you could try a tms doctor via Skype. Essentially though healing is an inside job. You need to put your faith in over-arching truths not the ceaseless churnings of fear which can only self-perpetuate. Only you can break that cycle sweetheart.
    westb likes this.
  14. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Steve J. likes this.
  15. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    It is as simply difficult as this. This process is not an easy one. Nobody ever said it was. It makes overcoming it that much sweeter, though.
    JanAtheCPA and plum like this.
  16. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Greatest voice ever.
  17. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Yes I am obsessing. Trouble is I woke up this morning and couldn't think of anything else so it was really bad. But as soon as I dragged myself out of bed and started to get on with my day the feeling has died down quite a lot.
    plum and Steve J. like this.
  18. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I'm going to go and have a few drinks tonight and relax. That's another thing too I notice. If I have a few drinks the feeling dies down alot too. If I'm really drunk it disappears completely. I'm obsessing about work and this pain at the moment which is obviously making it worse.
  19. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    But clearly I'm making it worse.
  20. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    This is not to be ignored. Build on those moments, brief as they might be, of improvement--either of actual pain relief or a cooling down of obsession. Eventually this feeling outweighs the anxious one, and you will wake up excited for the prospect of life, not dreading a self-made prison of pain.
    Alfaman147 likes this.

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