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Help. I'm an anxiety freak

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Very true. I make it worse by staying in bed because while I'm asleep I'm in no pain. Maybe this is why I was feeling really anxious and depressed. And last night I went to bed worrying so it's bound to be on my mind in the morning
  2. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    You could be writing my exact experience, Alfa. I know where you're at--and that might not take away the discomfort, but just know that I feel for you and hope you have a peaceful, fun Saturday.
  3. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am NOT going to Google at all. EVER AGAIN. It's obviously where my brain is trying to direct me int9 searching for answers. It's a former of my health anxiety and fear. But the only one who can help me is me. So no more. I will look at this forum and that's it. But I won't make it an obsession. It will be tough but I can do it. I did it before. And guys just one last thing I need to hear. I have been tested and I'm all ok. This is muscle tension isn't it???? I can feel it flutter and vibrate. I can feel it relax sometimes. It goes away when I touch it. It is not there while I'm asleep. It dies down or goes when I'm occupied??
  4. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I also catch myself holding my breath or shallow breathing when I'm dealing with it.
  5. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    You know the answers. You don't need anybody to confirm. Try to focus on the evening ahead of you, friend.
    plum likes this.
  6. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Oh and one last thing. When I come back from work and it's been really bad do I massage the area???? It brings huge relief but I don't want to make it a routine incase my brain doesn't let go.
  7. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    As if I just asked that lol. Obsess much?????
  8. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Alfa, you might want to consider getting in touch with a TMS therapist via Skype. I feel like they'll be more equipped to help you out. We're here for support, but you have got to let this obsession go.
  9. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I guess the More I obsess the more I'm reinforcing the thought in my brain. I think I will be OK. I'm not going to see my therapist again if i can help it. I saw her before and she is only going to say what I already know. Only I can stop this. I worry that if I book to see her it's just another thing to focus on.
  10. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    To break this obsessive behaviour I need to stop myself searching every single day. I'm always after the quick fix but I know it won't happen and there is no magic button to turn my brain off. So I'm going to stop beating myself up over it. If I get a bad day I will refrain from googling stuff like .... can anxiety cause blah blah blah a tight ass haha. I will just sit on my exercise bike and pedal as fast as I can. Just sit and watch TV. Turn my phone off
  11. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Fair enough. Stay off Google. As soon as the temptation comes, and it will frequently, immediately tell yourself that it's not a great idea. Remind yourself of how temporary any feeling of reassurance is, and how persistent negative thoughts become if you stumble upon something non-assuring. Shift your attention to something different. Your breathing. Nice, wonderful, relaxing, slow breathing. Keep doing it with every single fiber of your being. This is crucial in overcoming HA. You are in control.
  12. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    This is the last we should talk about this, okay? Please try to have a nice evening.
  13. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I know it is. It's reading people who have this problem and are suffering which is making it worse. I don't need to read that. I will break the habit. I have to remind myself this is not something new. I have had it before and got rid of it before. Maybe I will have a beer when I get home from work instead of googling.
  14. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Thanks Steve. Thanks for listening. I'm not going to do any more now.
  15. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Alcohol is a tempting, yet temporary, release. Sure, every once in a while it's fine, but do not use it as a reactionary, self-medicating tool. Try things like mindfulness meditation.
  16. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Yes I know. I'm only going to have a few tonight and I will try not to have any in the week.
  17. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    I may try reading a book instead. Not a tms book just a normal book.
  18. Steve J.

    Steve J. Well known member

    Atta boy. Oh, and when you do inevitably google (it will happen), don't judge yourself for it. Being on Google is essentially living in a fantasy world. It is not in any way your reality. There are so many variables to what you see out there...nobody is exactly like you. This will be frightening to you, but it should be a comfort. Your path is an individual one. You've done this before. You will again. Onwards and upwards!
    plum likes this.
  19. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Anything that brings relief brings healing. It is ok to massage the area. It is good to massage the area. It really and truly is a good and beautiful thing. But please, relax and enjoy the relief it brings and don't clutter your mind with any thoughts to the contrary. Your brain knows everything is good with you. Because it is.
    paintnpourparty and Lily Rose like this.
  20. Alfaman147

    Alfaman147 Well known member

    Shouldn't of had so much to drink last night. Had a really good time and felt amazing. But slight hangover and very tired today have made my pain extreme tonight. But I haven't Googled. Just been very down.

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