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Help. I'm an anxiety freak

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Alfaman147, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. DrX

    DrX Newcomer

    Chronic Pelvic Pain, or Pelvic Floor Disorder Is TMS. 100%.
  2. DrX

    DrX Newcomer

    Its TMS as the pelvic floor tension is from stress/worry/anxiety etc. Modern living. Part of discussion should certainly be about aleviating the isolation of suffering by offering simple anatomical explanations which are are result of mind-body connection. To state otherwise is to downplay how valuable these offerings are to some people. TMS may have been coined by someone who has their name to it, but it merely a regurgitation of centurys-old wisdom about the mind being the source of much phsical symptoms. I suggest allowing some threads to continue in this light.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. Frankie

    Frankie Newcomer

    Alfaman I too suffer from severe anxiety and my latest obsession is my rear end. Started about a month ago after going to the bathroom when I wiped too hard and caused some irritation. Now I feel all sorts of weird sensations there, pinching, stabbing, needles, tension, tightness, like I need to pass wind all the time and when I can it feels better for a bit then the tension comes back.

    I don’t feel anything when I’m asleep and when I wake up but since I use the bathroom 3x a day for bm it starts up. Btw, I love and drink milk and I’m lactose intolerant so I have a few looser poops a day. Don’t know if that’s related. Up until a month ago I was poopin and wiping with no issues.

    I’ve been told that if you focus and obsess on any given part of the body your mind can actually cause symptoms. I just have a hard time believing that even though I’ve been told over and over that it’s true.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2019

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