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Help - Lower back pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by street, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. street

    street Peer Supporter

    Mri results show nothing. Pain is still lingering but improving week by week. Hope it will finally leave along with the stiffness. Tender spots on spine still around but getting better.
  2. Free of Fear

    Free of Fear Well known member

    Nice! You are well on the path of recovery :)
  3. street

    street Peer Supporter

    Im slipping back into the worry of the pain, its back full force and has spread to joints of my knees, shoulders and hands. Even though the back pain improved it has been with me every day for 7 months. Starting to doubt i will ever be rid of it and maybe this is structural even though an xray, mri and bloods show nothing.
  4. lucikam

    lucikam New Member

    Street how are you doing?
    street likes this.
  5. street

    street Peer Supporter

    lucikam likes this.

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