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Help please

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Varg, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    KEEP GOING! This is not unusual, 3 weeks is a very small amount of time in a lifetime. We are just conditioned in this world to want everything immediately.
    Assure yourself that this will be gone, and that it makes NO sense to have all this pain and pain jumping around if you are thinking physically. NOTHING would cause this...except STRESS.
    Continue thinking psychological.
    The point of the pain is to get you to stop thinking psychologically. To protect you from the difficult thoughts and emotions and personality traits that this work begins to help you recognize are the cause of your internal stress.
    Doing physical stuff has not helped right?
    Doctors have not helped, right?
    When have you seen changes. ANY changes for good or bad? When you began doing this work. So the work is doing something.

    Believe me when I say I totally understand! I had pain go up, pain go down, panic attacks, horrific anxiety, really crazy symptoms that make no sense (which I sometimes still get when I challenge symptoms, but only for minutes now because I know what is going on!).

    Show you brain who is boss!
    Your brain is simply an organ of the body like a liver or a heart. It is not the boss of you unless you let it be the boss of you! You don't let your lungs boss you around, do you?

    KEEP GOING! You will have days it seems impossible, and then the next day you might feel like you have hope. This is normal and it's OK. Feel the emotions surrounding this. Give yourself some love for the challenge you face and recognize you will be so much better for this hard work when you feel better in mind, body and spirit!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    "Of course, but all my life I've been told I was weak, hypermobile, that I get injured easily, so every month I go to osteopathy. I stopped almost a year before I really hurt my pectoral... The only thing is the dental occlusion, my jaw was moved and it's the only thing that relieved my neck and headaches, I haven't had back pain in eight years and now for a week all my pain has moved there, it makes no sense but it's so powerful and debilitating that I struggle to know if it's psychological, that's the problem, I always think something is out of place and when I'm in pain it's the osteopath but it only relieves me for three or four days, my brain is used to weightlifting/zero pain when I exercise I'm close to zero even if the beginning is really difficult but now impossible to resume sports between the groin, lower back, eye, jaw, I have to get checked on 25/03 my 50 hours of weekly work. No, I can't exercise, the pain is too strong... :( I managed to work on all the aspects of my life that caused me problems and the pain multiplied by 10. I will continue but I don't see what more I can do, I talk to my brain, I journal... I really hope this will help me, it's my only hope, I refuse to live another year in a body that hurts me so much, it's just torture but you know because you've experienced it..."
  3. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    The thing is, when I'm in extreme pain like this, I don't feel any emotion at all, absolutely none, I'm just in pain and that's all there is. I can't relax because the pain is so intense, so I force myself to get angry or cry, but it doesn't solve anything except that the pain moves to another place again. In a month, I've had about 5 different areas of pain shifting, it's completely absurd, it makes no sense at all.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    The less sense it makes the more it is most likely TMS.
    Do not force emotions. That is like lying to yourself. Brutal honesty with yourself is what will eventually help.
    It you feel anger then good, if not, ok. Give it time. Give it patience.
    Trying too hard, forcing, healing “perfectly” and trying to do it “now” makes it worse.
    It’s ok not to relax that much. Focus on moments of calm.
    Are you doing this program?
    https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Structured_Educational_Program (Structured Educational Program)

    If you speak French, there is a new French TMS group:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/groupe-dentraide-en-fran%C3%A7ais-french-facebook-tms-group.27617/ (Groupe d'entraide en Français / French Facebook TMS Group)

    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    It seems like you're describing your experiences with a program or process you're going through, possibly related to personal growth or self-improvement. You've mentioned dealing with various negative aspects of life such as a father who's always angry and critical, romantic separation, and the deaths of loved ones. You've also mentioned experiencing physical pain, possibly related to TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome), and you're unsure of the reasons behind the pain, speculating it might be related to your jaw or potentially another manifestation of TMS. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot and are seeking understanding and relief from both physical and emotional challenges. If you're experiencing ongoing physical pain, it might be a good idea to consult with a medical professional for a thorough evaluation.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Varg, I've been watching your posts for a while, and I do not see any change. What we want to see is that people start to control their fear response. They need to stop constantly describing their physical symptoms and their fears, and they must start to take steps towards making positive changes. Sadly, I don't see this happening at all.

    I understand this is not your fault. Unfortunately, your brain is very resistant to thinking positively, and you are stuck in negativity. I think that your problems are probably too severe for a self-help forum.

    It's very sad and very unfortunate, but my opinion is that we can't help you here. I sincerely wish the best for you, and I hope you can find the help that you need and that you deserve.

  7. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    "It worked on some pain in my ankle and arm, which is already commendable, but overall the pain keeps changing all the time, so no, I'm not positive, it's absolutely impossible to be happy or calm with such extreme pain. Even though I understood the TMS except for hurting myself by dwelling on the past, I haven't seen any physical improvement, maybe I will because I won't give up. But the only concern in life is the pain and nothing else, all other things have been restored, I earn a good living, I have my own business, a job, I'm not in a relationship which is annoying but that's life, and yes, I have fears like every human being, but it has allowed me to see that I was mainly in constant rage and putting a lot of pressure on myself. After all, it's not me who decides to send pain to this or that place unfortunately... Thank you for your kindness and listening. We'll see how the next few months go. Otherwise, it will be the big leap. Thanks to all."
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I agree with @Cactusflower about this: this is normal AND it is proof that the pain is created by your fearful brain. This is great news that you are not sick, or injured, or damaged. You MUST be willing to talk back to your fear and tell it this. AND, as Cactusflower also said, you need patience. Patience and kindness for yourself, as Nicole Sachs always tells us.

    This IS commendable! And it is more proof and more great news!

    This is a message from your irrational fearful TMS brain. As long as you allow it to be in control, you are correct: recovery will be impossible. It's YOUR choice to make your rational brain be in charge. No one can do this for you.

    This is excellent, and yes, you are lucky to have so many positives in your life. But here's the thing, and I hope this translates: Often, people like us feel that we don't have the right to complain, because we are fortunate to live well. This is just another negative thought created by our TMS brains to keep us in pain. Don't fall into that trap! You deserve to be pain free in addition to living well.

    I'm very glad to see you say this, because I was alarmed to also see you say "Otherwise, it will be the big leap."

    I totally understand that pain and other symptoms can also cause despair and depression. It's okay to express thoughts of suicide if they sometimes come up. HOWEVER, I sincerely hope that these are only brief thoughts and that you never act on them, because there is always reason to hope. Just the fact that every day is different is a good reason to have hope, don't you think?

    Question: have you ever had psychotherapy? It is something to consider, although it requires being open to uncomfortable emotions. But it can be very rewarding AND a way to begin recovery.

  9. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    For three weeks, it's been a real hell, and it affects the left side leg and psoas, really disabling. And then, in two minutes, all the pain moved to the right... Which makes absolutely no sense, it takes my belly to the right and the leg... Anyway, I will continue to dig and search without necessarily changing immediately, it's extremely dangerous, and one can break their own spirit without knowing who they are and what they will become... But in my life, it's really only the pain that makes me sick and depressed, it's only that psychosomatic or not. It's the pain that depresses me and drives me crazy.
  10. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    I have my own business, I earn a good living, I have no financial worries, I have friends, etc. Yes, I am better off when I am in a relationship because it's the only thing that calms me. But it's the pain, the cornerstone of the issue... And I don't know how to distinguish if a new symptom is an injury or a repetitive strain injury (RSI), that's the problem.
  11. Varg

    Varg Peer Supporter

    I have my own business, I earn a good living, I have no financial worries, I have friends, etc. Yes, I am better off when I am in a relationship because it's the only thing that calms me. But it's the pain, the cornerstone of the issue... And I don't know how to distinguish if a new symptom is an injury or a repetitive strain injury (RSI), that's the problem.

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