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Here's My Predicament...

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by booboo, Apr 28, 2017.

  1. booboo

    booboo New Member


    when I say i'm going to play basketball a sport I love and have been playing all my life and before TMS thought I would have to give up, in fact at the time of the "pain" I said that's it NO MORE BASKETBALL

    but to discover TMS and encouraged to go back to your regular activity was to say the least a revelation and as I mentioned I will not "attack" it like "The Animal" Ozanich with the way he attacked running and golf where he put himself into what seemed "torture"....I will be a "baby animal" in my approach to returning to playing basketball.

    But your concern for my well-being Amir is noted and appreciated...and yes I will not be playing full-court in the NBA finals anytime soon...
  2. booboo

    booboo New Member

    And Amir can you tell me more about your numbness....

    how long you had?
    how long did it take to go away?
    ViviSchl likes this.
  3. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    I had pain and numbness in both legs, both arms, both hands, in addition to back and neck pain.

    I had read a lot on the subconscious mind, conditioned response, and motivational psychology and applied what I had learned in my life many years before all the pain began.

    Once I learned about TMS, I combined Dr. Sarno's approach with mental techniques used by Olympic athletes and high achievers and designed a 9-step plan for rapid recovery.

    I could barely walk for a few minutes. On day one of my recovery I went to the mall. Climbing two steps was extremely difficult and painful. On day two I climbed 17 steps. The same arms and hands that could barely lift a glass of water, held and carried both my children weighing more than 40 pounds in two weeks And in four weeks I began taking karate lessons (long time Bruce Lee fan, lol). I explain all this in detail in my book, Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain.

    If you get a chance, read Allan Massison's story on my website. Numbness in his legs were so bad he had to walk with a cane and was scheduled for two back surgeries. He follow my plan, recovered rapidly, and canceled both surgeries.

    So, it is possible to eliminate numbness quickly. Just have plan and go slow and steady until you get to your goals.

    It's fun!
  4. booboo

    booboo New Member

    Kind of a double edge sword....walking a psychological tightrope.

    On the one hand fear will keep me from going to hard and fast with Physical activity....and at the same time the fear will keep the TMS alive.

    which way is up?

    (maybe down)
  5. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Reread Fred Amir's post above yours--the longest journey starts with the first step--baby steps. The biggest thing to fear is fear itself--who said that? Churchill or Roosevelt? Confidence builds on confidence. It used to take me about twenty minutes of walking on land or running in the pool to get my joint juices flowing, now I can loosen up much quicker. You have to give it twenty minutes to warm-up. BUT, if you listen to all the docs and doomsayers, you will believe you are doing "more damage", if it's TMS that's untrue, and the odds are great that it's TMS.
  6. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    One of the first thing I did when I was reading Healing Back Zpain, I read the letters to Dr. Sarno from readers who read his book and recovered.

    I did it to build my confidence. If they did, I could too. And I did!

    So, keeping reading success stories there, on this site, and my site.

    http://www.fredamir.com/testimonials (Back Pain)
  7. booboo

    booboo New Member

    That's why guys like Amir and Tennis and People like that are nice to listen to because they help you increase your confidence....and when all is said and done the big C is maybe the most important thing...
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  8. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks, the Big C for CONFIDENCE & CONDITIONING! That reminds me, there used to be a juice drink in a can called Hi-C, wonder if it's still around, might be good for Type T personalities to drink.
  9. booboo

    booboo New Member


    I was referring to___CHEERIOS!
  10. FredAmir

    FredAmir Well known member

    Confidence is so crucial.

    1. If you are a person who has managed to accomplish something difficult or overcome life challenges, such as getting a degree or a certificate, learn a new language, run your own business, etc.), it is a good predictor that you can deal with TMS with the same confidence, drive, and determination and conquer it. One businessman with three years of foot pain, I coached, I predicted he would recover overnight and he did.

    2. If you have a clear plan to follow step-by-step, it will build your confidence and that can help you recover rapidly.
    Tennis Tom likes this.

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