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How I healed from a myriad of symptoms

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by Dorado, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Feelings and emotions are a necessary part of life. Becoming a robot is not the way to relieve mind-body symptoms. The key is balancing your feelings and emotions - and not letting them consume you. Otherwise, we end up in persistent fight-or-flight mode. This is where mind-body symptoms come in.

    I’ve written quite a bit about Ehlers-Danlos; I believe this more recent post may be helpful: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/need-more-help-unable-to-convince-my-subconscious-this-is-all-tms.25892/#post-134115 (Need more help unable to convince my subconscious this is all tms)
  2. Electrik Dreamz

    Electrik Dreamz Newcomer

    I see, hey i wrote you in private messenger would
    You be willing to read it? Thanks so much
  3. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    To make sure everyone benefits from these discussions, I’m always very happy to respond to the threads on these message boards. All my personal experience and advice regarding EDS can be found in these posts. Happy to answer any questions based on what I’ve posted!
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  4. Electrik Dreamz

    Electrik Dreamz Newcomer

    What does that mean?

    Does that mean you don’t answer in messenger, do you want me to copy and paste it in here, it’s pretty heavy i don’t want to trigger anyone
    What I asked in messenger isn’t anything you posted about on the forums

  5. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    DMs don’t allow other members to benefit from the discussion and I don’t typically engage via DMs. It's tricky as well because I'm not a medical professional or a health coach, and I can't always confirm what's structural, what's a mind-body symptom, and what's the result of both - and I do want to make sure I'm honest about that. Sometimes the DMs I receive include aspects that I’m not able to address the way people expect. I can, however, speak to my own experiences where there’s alignment between my story and another person’s.

    All that said, I've responded to your DM.

    The advice I give and personally live by is aligned with what I've posted about EDS on here in terms of balancing emotions as well as accepting uncertainty, the possibility of having a structural issue, and that some things may not be perfect. However, even if something is structural, emotions can amplify everything!
  6. Watermeloen

    Watermeloen Newcomer

    Hi @Dorado

    Your story has been very inspirational to me and I keep on referring to it when I'm losing hope. Thank you for being here for others!

    I'm having lots of trouble with truly letting go of the healing obsession; mainly because when I do let go for periods of time, symptoms tend to come knocking even harder on my door. And then I start to really believe again I should do something differently and start to break my head again what that could be. Understandably. But I'll get there some day...

    What would you say is the biggest gift that came out of all that suffering for you?
    I bet you wouldn't want to go through it all again, but there usually is a silver lining for those who pull through...

    And how are you doing with the left-over generalised anxiety? Is it still getting milder?
  7. filipe

    filipe Peer Supporter

    Hi, Dorado

    I can relate to all you have said in this post.

    15 years ago, I had the same symptoms as you. It escaleted from a arm aches, to a full body burning sensation, all over my body. I even had Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiac arrythmia. I had multiple neurological symptoms. I took all the medicine I could get. I read a lot of scary things about diseases (created by Modern Medicine) related to my symtoms, and Fear took all over my body. Fotunatelly I found Mr Sarno.

    Nevertheless, I had several relapses through these years. I was pain free until now for 5 years. I'm now in pain again,just because 5 days ago I had a single thought about my pain, and about how I menage to overcome it. This thought transform into uncontrollable fear. I know the answer to my pain, I know its cause, but it is not easy to control these thoughts, when you are a very sensitive person like I am. There is no magic bullet to end pain, except one, I will tell you in the end of my reply.

    Anyway, I learn some things through the years:

    1st: every chronic disease is TMS;

    2nd: Every so called diseased is caused by fear. Modern medicine takes advantage of this.

    3rd: Chronic pain is nothing more than Chronic anxiety, it happens when fear takes over your body, and your mind/thoughts.

    4tht: the only answer to overcome pain is shifting your attention from it. It Is not that easy, sometimes, because fear is very powerful, and a good distraction from dealing with your inner emotions. YOU HAVE TO CALMD DOWN. Information is the key in the beginning, but then you have to let it go.

    Are there techniques for you to focus better? I mean, when Im in pain, it is difficult to change my attention to other stuff. This is the key, because when you shift your attention to something that really interests you for a period of time, the pain goes away.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
  8. boobear14

    boobear14 Newcomer

    Hi Dorado, Currently going thru the same thing and looking for some help from you please. For the past 2.5 months, these have been my symptoms non-stop every day: it started with armpit pain & muscle twitching, then went on to dull and sharp shooting pains in hands and feet and now all over body, burning sensation mostly in feet and hands but sometimes in my neck/ back, tingling/ mild numbness and vibrating/buzzing throughout my body, eye pain behind my eye and dry eyes that are leading to blocked oil glands on my waterline... just so many symptoms that match with SFN and I cannot stop thinking what if I have it. I got the following tests so far: full body and brain MRI, CT scan of head, EMG/ nerve test, lots of blood and urine tests (including for autoimmune diseases), 2 ultrasounds, and they were all clean and normal (minus a minor b1 deficiency which I am now taking supplements for). I have seen so many doctors and 3 neurologists who are sure this is only anxiety/stress and my body and nervous system is reacting to it rather than SFN. but I am not convinced and cannot rest until I have a negative biopsy or QSART test or some other test that looks for that. However, no doctor will authorize me for the biopsy and the eye exam I have scheduled for a confocal microscopy is not until 4 months later and I cannot deal with the thought of what if the tests are positive for SFN for that long. I am basically wondering if you had shooting pains all over your body? not to mention all this stress and anxiety has made my muscles sooo tense. I have so much neck and shoulder & back pain. Sorry for the rant but I know you said you had countless other symptoms and my mind cannot rest until i find someone who has my exact symptoms and was sure they had SFN but did not have it and your post is the only one resonating with me. You said you had these for years, I am wondering if I get the test results and then do therapy along with anti-anxiety meds and work hard on my mind and body, if it will still take years for all symptoms to dissapear or if they may lessen and gradually go away within months. Thank you for your time and hope to chat soon.
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @boobear14, I can see that you are in full-blown panic mode, and I get that you're scared and distressed and in mental as well as physical pain, but I have got to tell you that EVEN IF Dorado were to tell you exactly what you think you want to hear, your TMS brain would, in due course, convince you that it just isn't quite exact enough - and you'll be back exactly where you are right now. I guarantee this is what would happen because I've seen it over and over and over again for many years.

    I get that this is not what you want to hear, and that it's going to possibly make you angry and resentful, but if I didn't care, I wouldn't bother. If there's even a tiny chance that hearing this truth will set you or somebody else on a different path, then it's worth the effort. I hope that applies to you.

    You've undergone an extreme amount of diagnosis and, to quote the title of a well-known mindbody book, "They Can't Find Anything Wrong!" Yet you fail to accept this, for the simple reason that this is your brain on TMS. I'm going to repeat that because this is something you need to perhaps print out and look at about 50 times a day.

    If you have no clue what I'm referring to (since your post doesn't mention TMS) any book by Dr John Sarno MD, is the place to start. Probably The Mindbody Prescription since his earlier ones were only about back pain - although my favorite is The Divided Mind

    That mental trick that your brain will play is what the primitive TMS brain mechanism was designed to do. It's primitive because by the time it morphs into what Dr Sarno labeled TMS, the original mechanism that was designed ensure our survival in the primitive world, works for s*** in today's modern world.

    At this point, since there is no one among all those health professional who has told you that you need any kind of urgent care, you have nothing to lose by stopping all of the pointless diagnostic tests, and making a commitment to your psychological health, which seems to be in serious trouble at the moment. We've got two free programs, we've got tons of videos and podcasts and books to recommend, but I suspect that you need psychotherapy. You have said nothing about your mental health or whether you've ever been in therapy, but the psychological path is your only way out of this.

    To repeat: none of these many medical professionals have advised any kind of urgent care, therefore you have nothing to lose by thinking psychologically instead of physically. Plus it's physically non-invasive. That being said, if you suffered from childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect, your brain is going to be extremely resistant to psychological treatment and it will feel more invasive than physical treatments. That kind of work is beyond what our site can provide, unfortunately.

    Again, I have no idea - you focused only on the physical and said nothing about the psychological, so I'm just throwing information into the void, perhaps for your benefit, perhaps for the benefit of anyone else reading this.

    Good luck.
  10. Lainey

    Lainey Well known member

  11. Lainey

    Lainey Well known member

    Jan…….so right on.
    Dorado, Cap'n Spanky and JanAtheCPA like this.
  12. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    100% spot on. I truly couldn't have said this better myself. :)
    TrustIt likes this.
  13. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Proof that TMS can indeed target healed injuries and surgical sites: ankle and foot ligaments that I healed with physical therapy sometimes hurt when I'm upset. Whether I've healed is out of the question - my providers all confirmed that I'm in the clear.

    I also underwent permanent sterilization surgery earlier this year. Bisalps typically result in easy recoveries. My laparoscopic incisions healed wonderfully and my surgeon is very happy with my healing, but I sometimes experience pain around the surgical sites when I'm stressed.

    Ultimately, I think dysautonomia from Ehlers-Danlos just makes my body respond to stress and release cortisol more easily. The biggest game changer for me continues to be finding things to love and enjoy about life every day.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  14. star

    star Newcomer

    I know this is old post, but I was brought to this post for a reason, as I have nearly everything you mentioned. Would it be possible to have a chat with you
  15. Lovebird0869

    Lovebird0869 Newcomer

    Hi dorado! This is so helpful and gives me a lot of hope. With your dysautonomia did you experience high heart rate for many years? Did you experience inappropriate sinus tachycardia as well? Did you get sudden adrenaline rush type symptoms like high hr shaking for no reason? I guess I have a hard time understanding how emotions can cause a heart rate of 140 plus when I’m not panicking or when I’m feeling relatively calm. how did you stop fearing the pots and dysautonomia symptoms because it’s my heart I fear it the most. Thank you ❤️

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