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How to KEEP believing TMS theory?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by jan33, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. jan33

    jan33 New Member

    Hi Mandi,

    thanks for your supportive words. Maybe your improvement in last 60 days is the result of the three years of applying TMS, even though aggressively. I am seeing some changes because I am on it now 99.9% of the time in solidifying my belief in it. The supportive posts are so helpful in having others to share with. I feel guilty even talking about my pains any more with family/friends at this point in life. I was able to tell a good friend about the theory last week and she was fascinated. She is the only one who knows about my struggles the past 5 months with new and different pains. I have found SteveO's book very inspirational and I think it moved me along, so I am trusting that I can make a difference in my body. Today, I felt angry deep inside and I recognized it as TSM, and not due to something/someone outside myself. Good to hear from you!!
    Pandagirl likes this.
  2. jan33

    jan33 New Member

    Thanks for supportive words. I'm still not adept at sorting out all the WikiTMS techy stuff. I am reading SteveOs book and found it very helpful. Can't wait to get back to it. The Biggest help is seeing how many people are joining into this and helping each other. Going it alone, reading Sarno's book and it not curing me as it has for many, shows the need for this wide support aid. I will try to join Tuesday's Forum..Something didn't work right last week. I want to go slow. The SEP Program might put me into overwhelm at this point. I am a psychotherapist and have done lots of personal work over the years. And, I do know this TSM is a different road to travel. I attended a 2 day Seminar with Allen and Dr. Schubiner a wk ago and found myself on overload, but there were points and people that stayed with me afterwards that were valuable. I had to get back to myself and Self talk, journaling and reading about other's experiences. Seems to be my life line right now. Glad to hear from you. Jan33
  3. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    Hey Jan, a rebounder is a mini trampoline that one uses to stimulate the flow of lymph fluid in your body. it had nothing to do with the reversal of the frozen shoulder. They are cheap, I got mind at Sears but your lymph has no pump so only diaphramic breathing and rebounding, movement helps to circulate your lymph as you may know so they are a great thing to have particularly if you are suffering from chronic fatigue like they say I am and going to the gym knocks you out. You can gentle bounce on a rebounder and it really gets the lymph moving. My shoulder has never come back so never understimate the power of a good screaming at is my history anyway. I just wish I could get it to work for my back. Let me know how your session works out in Dec. very curious to hear the outcome of that meeting and what he did for you. Cheers!
  4. jan33

    jan33 New Member

    Hi Pilot...I decided to order Dr. Sarno's DVD and I talked with Ken Malloy, who was Dr. Sarno's assistant for many years, who also made the DVDs. I am going to have a session with him over the phone, which might cancel going to Dr. Schechter in L.A. Ken Malloy is in New York and is a life coach for TMS work. His info is in the back of Dr. Sarno's books. You had said you might seek help either in New York or LA. It's gotta work for your back if it could release the shoulder issue. How new to this are you? I just started in early October. Journey on!!!
  5. Pilot in pain

    Pilot in pain Peer Supporter

    I have read all books over the last 6 months or so but nothing has really worked for me. I have done everything one can possibly do for a back except surgery but when i sit too long I am wrecked with pain and stand and lie down. other than that I could do a yoga class, ski, climb a mountain but I just can not stay motionless for any length of time or my neck, T4 or L5 starts to go crazy. There has not been a doctor out there that has even heard of such a thing. I am over half way through the structured program but again I have not noticed anything since starting it. I just thought maybe seeing a TMS doc would be a solid next step. I know teh concepts and the principles but they are just not kicking in yet. I have chronic fatigue and fibro according to modern but we all know that is crap. I am doing advanced cell training with ACT in Rhode Island but that is not doing anything either. Pretty frustrating.
  6. jan33

    jan33 New Member

    A TMS Dr. might shed some light. That's why I want to see one, because the Frozen Shoulder falls into a questionable category according to Dr. Schubiner. Maybe a TSM Dr. will have witnessed something you are describing. Knowledge is so important, isn't it? It's still early in your process, right?
  7. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Knowledge and reassurance. Not all of us will be in a position to benefit from getting this reassurance from a TMS doctor, therapist or coach but the reassurance can come from individuals through their posts on the forum and by way of their success stories on the TMS wiki. It is great to find someone with the very same symptom we are having but I have learned so much from people who may have different symptoms to me. In the end TMS is TMS however it manifests itself within us. At the core of all of our suffering is rage, shame, feelings of rejection and abandonment plus all of the issues discussed by Dr Z in his recent podcast on Existential Psychology. We cannot see or touch these and many of us may not even feel these because we are so focused on our physical symptoms.
    Ellen likes this.
  8. jan33

    jan33 New Member

    Who is Dr. Z? Where does one go to hear this podcast? What is Yb44s story?
  9. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

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