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IBS, Gastritis, Sibo and other digestive issues

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Artlift29, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    How r u doing now? just curious.
  2. Kozas

    Kozas Well known member

    Nothing really changed, although I'm in a little bit better mentally. Also I don't ruminate or blame myself for my pains and symptoms, but physically nothing changed.
  3. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Are you still applying tms work?
  4. Kozas

    Kozas Well known member

    To be honest I don't really know what 'tms work' is. I don't journal anymore because I wrote about everything ten times already. I watch Dan Buglio from time to time(I kinda like his videos but 90% are exactly the same - although it's now his fault as there's really nothing new to talk about usually) I overall accepted that this is how I feel and I have pain... I really don't know what to do. I try to eliminate stresses from my life, but can this be counted as 'tms work'? It's really 'life work' I think. Oh, I also meditate.
    I like reading TMS books, not even to heal myself but they are interesting, recently I bought this book(written by user of this forum)
    But I read time like I don't know, crime stories. I kinda accepted that probably I will never feel good again. But I try not to think about it too much. Actually I'm planning to work a lot this year, because of my plans(finally buying apartment) so having a some kind of goal helps me coping.
  5. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Hi Kozas, wow good plan to find a job!! It feels like you lost hope. Have you tried meditation , like serious meditation for more than just one or two months? Perhaps it is a good idea to get buisy with a job. That may help change the focus. Anyhow , I think that retraining ones neural pathways is not always so simple and it takes a lottttt of mindfulness, not just ten minutes of it but continuous reprogramming. We also have to be continuously vigilent on our inner voice as if we were detectives. I think that I am going to try to go down that route.
  6. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    i have recently had a profound breakthrough. i have suffered with ibs (ha) for many years. i recently met with a hypnotherapist, not to be hypnotized, but just a chat really. i have "known" for a long time that i have a serious fear of going into the conventional medical system. this surfaced as extreme health anxiety which has led to serious health issues. i said many times that i had rather die. even tho i knew this was at the bottom of my severe anxiety, i didn't know how to change it. the subconscious is a stubborn adversary at times and will not communicate directly with the conscious mind. my breakthrough was how to change it. here is the process: go back to a moment when the first experience occurred. that part we know about. but there is a shift in what you do with that information. in my case, my first time was in a hospital from a serious auto accident. i had a terrifying experience. so, to shift...in a state of meditation, go back through every detail you can remember about it and put yourself there in feeling as much as you can. this is something i have definitely been avoiding...and when done, go back and "reframe" the whole thing to see it benefitting you....iow, i see them saving my life, caring, making me as comfortable as possible and feeling safe. then, after only that ONE time of reframing it, i can go back to it and repeat those feelings of safety, etc. it has done WONDERS for me. those fears we have that we have been blocking for so long, that have at some point turned into pain, are waiting to be seen and dissolved. they are not our enemy as we know, tho it feels like that when in pain. i don't know if this makes sense, as it's very hard to describe an actual experience, but there is a great deal of "space" b/t "knowing" something and actually dealing with it in a positive way. i feel the freedom that comes with this process and am feeling better every single day now!
    backhand likes this.
  7. Nana

    Nana Peer Supporter

    Trust I can soooo much relate to you bc me too I have health anxiety due to an incident that happened to me in the hospital a few years ago . It was due to a general anasthesia experience which scared the.....out of me!!!! My dad put a claim to the hospital and the doctor in charge told me he was sorry and it was a mistake, a mistake which will be with me for a while. Now everytime I need to have anesthesia for whatever procedure , like my gallbladder being removed or removing a fibroid in my uterus or a colonoscopy, I start to cry and I feel like running away from the procedure. So yes I can relate. The furthure away I can be from a hospital the better.
    TrustIt likes this.
  8. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    mine was also an anesthesia mistake. interesting. well, all i can say is that the process i described has completely relieved me of that fear. b/c of that, i can deal with this back and ibs issue more and more as tms. it certainly feels like a huge breakthrough. i still don't plan to get anywhere near a hospital, mind you, lol, b/c i simply don't believe it is helpful for anything other than trauma/accidents and short term. the body heals and any long lasting pain is simply fear that it could happen again! our what-if stories are our biggest enemies. the future offers infinite potential. why not make it beautiful instead of scary.
    Nana likes this.

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